evidence from Milgram supporting the Authoritarian Personality
Milgram and Elms1966 interviewed 20 people who had participated in the original obedience studies and been fullyobedient
All completed the F-scale as part of the interview
These 20 obedient pp scored significantlyhigher on the overall F-scale than a comparison group of 20disobedient pp
The two groups were clearly quite different in terms of authoritarianism.
This finding supports Adorno et al's view that obedient people may well show similarcharacteristics to people who have an Authoritarian Personality.
When the researchers analysed the individual subscales of the F-scale, they found that the obedient pp had a number of characteristics that were unusual for authoritarians.
IE: unlike authoritarians, Milgram's obedient pp generally did not experienceunusuallevels of punishment in childhood and did not have particularly hostileattitudes towards their mothers
Means that the link between obedience and authoritarianism is complex
The obedient pp were unlikeauthoritarians in so many ways that authoritarianism is unlikely to be a usefulpredictor of obedience
Authoritarianism cannotexplainobedientbehaviour in the majority of a countrys population
IE pre-war Germany millions of individuals displayedobedient and anti-Semitic behaviour
This was despite the fact they must have differed in their personalities
It unlikely that they could all possess an Authoritarian Personality
An alternative view is that the majority of the German people identified with the anti-Semitic Nazi state and scapegoated the outgroup of Jews a social identity theory approach
Is limited because an alternative explanation is much more realistic