Variables and hypothesis

Cards (13)

  • What is a dependant variable?

    What you are measuring
  • What is an independent variable?

    What you change
  • What is a control variable?

    What you keep the same
  • What is an extraneous variable?
    Any other variable that could affect the IV
  • What is a confounding variable?

    An extraneous variable that causes a change to the DV
  • What is operationalising?
    Making a variable measurable
  • What is a hypothesis?
    A prediction
  • What is a directional (one-tailed) hypothesis?

    Tells us how the IV will affect the DV
  • What is a non-directional (two-tailed) hypothesis?

    Tells us the IV will affect the DV, but not how it will do this
  • What is a null hypothesis?
    A null hypothesis is a statement that assumes there is no significant relationship or difference between variables
  • What is an example of a directional hypothesis?
    Caffeine will increase alertness
  • What is an example of a non-directional hypothesis?
    Caffeine will affect alertness
  • What is an example of a null hypothesis?
    There will be no change in alertness (DV) due to caffeine consumption. Any change in alertness is due to chance