Nervous system

    Cards (24)

    • What does the central nervous system consist of?
      The brain and spinal cord
    • What does the spinal cord do?
      Relays information between the body and the brain so that the brain can regulate body processes like breathing and digestion
    • How does the spinal cord connect to different parts of the body?
      Through spinal nerves which connect to different muscle groups and glands
    • What does the brain do?
      It is responsible for coordinating sensation, intellectual and nervous activity.
    • What is the role of the cerebrum?

      To control motor skills, balance coordination and the muscles
    • What are the 4 sections of the cerebrum?
      Frontal lobe, occipital lobe, parietal lobe and temporal lobe
    • What is the frontal lobe involved with?
      Speaking, thinking and learning
    • What is the parietal lobe involved with?
      Processing sensory memory
    • What is the occipital lobe involved with?

      Processing visual information
    • What does the thalamus do?

      Acts as a relay station for nerve impulses that come from the senses and sends them to the appropriate parts of the brain where they can be processed
    • What does the brain stem do?

      It is responsible for regulating the automatic functions essential for life like breathing and heartbeat.
    • What is the peripheral nervous system?

      This makes up all the nerves outside the CNS and relays information from the body to the CNS
    • What is the peripheral system subdivided into?

      The autonomic and somatic nervous system (ANS)
    • What is the main role of the somatic nervous system?

      Transmit and receive information from the senses such as visual information from the eyes and controls the movement and reaction of muscles including reflex actions without the involvement of the CNS
    • How many pairs of cranial nerves does the somatic nervous system consist of?
      12 pairs of cranial nerves which emerge from the underside of the brain
    • How many pairs of spinal nerves does the somatic nervous system consist of?
      31 pairs of spinal nerves emerging from the spinal cord
    • What do the cranial and spinal nerve systems transmit?
      Sensory and motor neurons
    • What do sensory neurons do?
      Relay messages to the central nervous system
    • What do motor neurons do?
      Relay messages from the central nervous system to various body parts
    • What is the role of the autonomic system?

      Transmit information to and from internal organs to sustain life
    • What things are regulated from the autonomic system?
      Digestion of food, regulation of body temperature and heart & blood pressure-all without conscious awareness
    • What can the autonomic system be divided into?

      The sympathetic and parasympathetic
    • What does the sympathetic division do?
      Uses nonadrenaline to increase heart rate, blood pressure and lower digestive activities
    • What does the parasympathetic division do?
      It uses acetylcholine (ACTH) to lower heart rate, blood pressure and increase digestive activities
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