Small positivelycharged particles made of 2 protons and 2 neutron. +2charge.
What is a nucleus?
central part of an atom, 100000 times smaller than the overall atom.
what was Dalton's model of atoms?
tiny spheres, cannot be created or destroyed. Cannot be broken down. Atoms of an element are identical and that different elementshavedifferentatoms.
What was Rutherford's experiment and what was his explanation?
He fired alphaparticles at a gold leaf and tracked where they went. most of the alpha particle went through and some other scattered. Atoms are mostly empty and there is a dense positive charge in the middle of an atom(nucleus).
What is the atomicnumber?
the bottom number on the periodic table, it gives the number of protonsandelectrons.
What is the atomicmass?
the top number of the periodic table. it gives the number of the total of protonsandneutronstogether.
What is an isotope?
An atom with the same number of protons but different numbers of neutrons.
Who was Dmitri Mendeleev?
A Russianscientist, developed the periodic table.
Columns in the periodic, arranged by similar chemical properties. Tells you the numberofelectronsofthemostoutershell.
Rows in the periodic table, arranged by the increasing atomic mass. Tells you the number of electrons shells.
Group 1
alkalimetals, react with water to form an alkaline solution. Giveawayanelectron.
Group 7
halogens, non-metals. Gainelectron.
Group 0
NobleGases, inert, don't take part in chemical reactions.