Cards (9)

  • Carpetbaggers
    Northern republicans came to South to provide government assistance for own profit in land of opportunity
  • Scalawags
    Democrats express opposition to slavery, plater aristocracy joining local Republican parties
    -South supporting Reconstruction
  • Black Codes 

    opposition to reconstruction, adopted gradually
    -vagrancy laws: unemployed =arrest
    -disproportionate: punishment: death penalty enforced/poll tax/literacy tests imposed regularly (only on blacks)
    -Grandfather Clause: excluded if relatives were slaves
    *Forerunner of JIM CROW legislation
  • Ku Klux Klan (KKK)
    ideal of 'Lost Cause' (ignore slavery)
    -demonstrated Southerns would not simply divide along class lines (race over class divisions)
    KKK: white cause, racist, violent, intimidation factor
    -restrict progress made by Af Am (enforce codes) voting
    -pres Grant used legislature (KKK Act), Military
  • Grants Reconstruction Policies

    didnt attempt much (non-active pres era)
    -problems in focusing on violence connected to preventing Af Am from voting + Repub not UNITED on attitude to KKK
    ELECTORAL POLITICS: elected at declining enthusiasm
    -promote passage 15th Am (Force Acts +14th) encode/enforce equal protection for Af Am (even in political office)
    -opposed high violent anti-black groups, KKK (military action)
    -Freedmens Bureau allowed to lapse 1872
    -intervention to support Republican candidates in CORRUPT elections
  • Issues
    Moderate republicans argued job of reconstruction was COMPLETE
    -Union was secure
    -slavery was finished
    -rules in place to ensure African Americans had rights
    -Amnesty Act, 1872: ensured former confederates now had right to stand for election again
  • Civil Rights Act of 1875

    would have enabled grant to prevent violent SUPRESSION of black vote
    -intended to outlaw segregation
    -deemed as unconstitutional 1883; grant doubted ability to enforce
  • Election of 1872: Hayes v Tilden

    election of 1872: showed republican party no longer united
    -185/369 electoral college votes needed to win
    Samuel J Tilden: 184 (short of 1)18 states; Hayes: 165, 17 states
    3 undetermined southern states
    -allegations of violence directed at black, republican voters and fraud
    awarded votes to Hayes, election was tie, disputed vote in OREGON
    -therefore win, but went to Congress to be certified w Democrat majority = refuse
  • Compromise of 1877
    COMMISSION Cong/SC: 7 Repub/Dem +neutral SC justice, David Davis (withdrew) replaced by Repub SC justice = Hayes won
    Compromise: Hayes promised to withdraw federal troops from South
    -appoint Southerner to cabinet
    -move funds to improve RR in South
    KEPT PROMISES = END of reconstruction