Regional integration

Cards (14)

  • What is Regional Integration?
    Regional interaction is the coming together of countries within a particular region to improve the social, political and economic conditions of the region.
  • Multi-lateral agreement
    An agree among many countries or groups
  • Bi-lateral agreement
    An agreement between two countries or groups
  • Multi-lateral agreements formed to achieve unity in the Caribbean
    1. CARICOM
    2. CARIFTA
    3. ACS
  • Objective of the West Indies Federation
    • To strengthen the move for self government
    • To promote economic development
  • The first attempt at Regional Integration was the West Indies Federation
  • Objectives of CARIFTA
    To foster economic and social development through the establishment of Free Trade among members
  • Barriers Trade
    • Custom duties
    • Tariff
    • Licensing arrangements
    • Quota
  • Custom duties
    taxes and fee that are charged by customs for imported goods
  • Tariff
    taxes charged by government on goods that are exported and imported
  • Licensing arrangements
    permission granted to a person to trade goods
  • Quota
    Limited quantity of a particular product
  • What is Free Trade?
    removing all the barriers to trade so that goods and services can move about more freely
  • Objectives of CARICOM 

    1.To improve economic development of members through free trade
    2. To establish functional cooperation in areas such as health, education, and broadcasting among other areas