anxiety 2

    Cards (5)

    • what is anxiety?
      state of emotional and physical arousal
    • how does anxiety affect ewt?
      both positively and negatively
    • negative effect (weapon focus)
      presence of weapon creates anxiety, leading to focus on weapon, reducing witness' recall for other details
    • negative effects of anxiety procedure
      ppts believed taking part in lab study
      low-anxiety condition heard casual convo, saw man walk past with pen and greasy hands
      high-anxiety condition heard heated argument, the sound of breaking glass, man walked out holding a knife and bloody hands
    • negative effects findings 

      ppts had to pick man from set of 50 photos
      49% seeing man carrying pen could identify him
      33% identified man holding knife
      tunnel theory argues people have enhanced memory for central events- weapon focus has this effect due to anxiety
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