Philippine Archpelago

Cards (26)

  • A Compass is a device that indicates direction and used in navigating
  • Map is a representation of usually a flat surface on earth
  • Coordinate system or Grid System Helps us to locate places on Earth's surface
  • Latitude lines are horizontal imaginary lines
  • In latitude you use East and West for plotting
  • Equidistant are also known as Parallels of Latitude
  • Equator is the reference point of Latitude
  • The Equator has 0 degrees
  • The Equator splits the earth in two hemispheres
  • the two hemispheres of latitude are North Hemisphere And South Hemisphere
  • Tropic of Cancer and tropic of Capricorn are examples of Parallels of Latitude
  • Countries that are in the Tropic of Cancer and Capricorn are called Tropics and experience tropical climate
  • Countries in Arctic and Antartic circle experience 4 seasons
  • In Between of Tropic and Cancer and Arctic Circle are the northern temperature zone
  • In between of the Tropic of Capricorn and Antartic Circle are the southern temperature zone
  • Latitude is the imaginary vertical line that runs from north to south
  • Prime meridian is the reference point of Longitude
  • The prime meridian passes through Greenwhich,England
  • Longitude is read and has 0 degrees
  • The Antimeridian is the opposite longitude line of prime meridian
  • the Anti Meridian is read and has 180 degrees
  • Longitude divides the globe into eastern and western hemispheres
  • Absolute Location is is referred as the global address of a place
  • Absolute location is the location of a place in terms of latitude and longitude
  • Relative Location describes where a location is in relation with other places
  • A relative location has landmarks That pointS out where a place is