Types of experiment

Cards (14)

  • What are the types of experiment?
    • Lab
    • Field
    • Natural
    • Quasi
  • What is a natural experiment?
    The experimenter cannot manipulate the IV, so the DV is judged as an effect of the IV
  • What are the strengths of a natural expeirment?
    • High ecological validity
    • Less demand characteristics
  • What are the weaknesses of natural experiments?
    • Can’t randomly allocate participants, so sample bias may be present
    • Ethical issues such as consent
  • What is a quasi expeirment?
    Using a naturally occurring IV , such as gender or handedness to measure a DV in a lab
  • What is a strength of a quasi experiment?
    Allows comparison of different types of people
  • What are the weaknesses of quasi experiments?
    • Can’t change IV so can’t be sure that a change in the DV is due to the IV
    • Can’t randomly allocate participants so there may be biases
  • What is a lab experiment?
    Try and eliminate extraneous variables by removing them or keeping them constant in an artificial environment
  • What do lab experiments establish?
    Cause and effect
  • What are the strengths of lab experiments?
    • High control of extraneous variables, so experiments have high internal validity
    • Results are reliable as conditions can be replicated
  • What are the weaknesses with lab experiments?
    • Lacks ecological validity
    • People may alter their behaviour if they know they are being studies (demand characteristics)
    • Experimenter bias may be an issue
  • What are field experiments?
    Experiments conducted in real-world settings, manipulating independent variables to observe their effects on dependent variables
  • What are the strengths of field experiments?
    • High ecological validity
    • Less demand characteristics
  • What are the weaknesses of field experiments?
    • Extraneous variables are less controlled so can become confounding variables
    • Ethical issues such as consent
    • Can’t be precisely replicated so lacks reliability