What did the 2009 Act repeal the torts of in the 1961 Act?
The torts of libel and slander, replacing it with a single tort of defamation
What is the role of the jury during defamation trials?
They decide if a statement is defamatory and assess amount of damages
What are the 4 elements of the tort of defamation? s6(2)
Absenceof a defence
Name of the Irish Times dealing with the method of publication?
Berry v IrishTimes [1973]
What happened in Berry v Irish Times [1973]?
The P was a senior civil servant in Dep of Justice and the Irish Times republished picture of placard stating that he helped jail republicans in England
Name of the momentary defamation case in Ireland?
Diop v Transdev Dublin Light Rail [2019]
What happened in Diop v Transdev Dublin [2019]?
Security guard asked P to leave Luas even though he had ticket, and this was held a momentarydefamation as it implied that he was guilty of using tram without ticket
Name of the case where a TV broadcast had an editing error labelling someone as another guilty party?
Christie v TV3 [2015]
What does s6(4) of the 2009 Act state about accidental publication?
Accidental publication will occur if it was reasonablyforeseeable that the defamatorystatement would be communicated to a 3rd party
Name of the accidental publication case?
Paul v Holt [1935]
What was the decision in Paul v Holt [1935]?
The D know the P also lived in the address and actednegligently as publication to 3rd party was foreseeable (liable in defamation)
What must be proved in internet publication cases for a claim of defamation?
Mustprove'hits' - publication occurs each time a site is accessed by a 3rd party
Name of the internet publication case with P's defamation action for images published in English paper online?
Coleman v MGN [2012]
What was the decision in Coleman v MGN [2012]?
There was no evidence that the material had been accessed by anyone in Ireland (no publication in Irish jurisdiction)
How can an intermediary be held liable in defamation for internet publication?
An intermediary can be held liable in defamationif they know of a specific instance and they leave it on the site
Name of the internet publication case against Internet Service Provider?
Godfrey v Demon Internet [2001]
Name of the Google intermediary case in internet publication?
Tamiz v Google [2012]
What happened in Tamiz v Google [2012]?
D asked blogger to take down comments from blog, but did so after 5 weeks rendering them a secondary publisher
What is the rule in defamation contrary to the multiple publication rule in 1961 Act and where is it found?
s11 - single publication rule - there is only one cause of action in respect of multiplication publication
Which decision confirmed the s11 single publication rule?
Philpott v Irish Examiner [2016]
What is a defamatory statement according to s2 of the 2009 Act?
Defamatory statement means a statement that tends to injure a person's reputation in the eyes of reasonable members of society
What does s6(5) of the 2009 Act provide for defamation?
Tort of defamation is actionablewithoutproof of specialdamage
Name of the gay bachelor case?
Reynolds v Molocco [1999]
What happened in Reynolds v Molocco?
The D argued that they meant the other use of gay and the injunction for publication was granted
What did Kelly J state in Reynolds v Molocco state about the word gay?
One would have to be a resident on the moon not to be aware that gay means homosexual
Name of the case where an actor was described as hideously ugly?
Burkhoff v Times Newspapers
What did the UKHL state about the law of defamation and reputation in Berkoff [1996]?
The law of defamation protects reputation and reputation is not generally dependent on physical appearance
Name of the Irish vulgarity case?
Hickey v Sunday Newspapers [2011]
What was the ruling in Hickey v Sunday Newspapers [2011]?
The comment was just vulgar abuse expressed in strong and offensive terms and not amounting to defamation
How does a statement become defamatory through innuendo?
Statement is defamatory because of some relevant facts to third parties or by implication
Why was the article in Reynolds v Molocco defamatory by innuendo?
The Pproved that the articlethroughinnuendo was alleging that he was permitting the saleofdrugs in his clubs and that he is homosexual
Who is the onus on in innuendo in defamation?
OnusonthePtosetout the innuendo and prove the relevant facts to understand innuendo
What does section 6(3) state about identification?
A defamatory statement concerns a person if it could be reasonably be understood as referring to him or her
Name of the fatheads case?
Bradley v Independent Star Ltd [2006]
What was the decision in Bradley v Independent Star [2006]?
The article which referred to 2 men as the fatheads DID NOTsufficientlyidentifythemen