ethical issues and ways of dealing with them

Cards (4)

  • informed consent is informed judgement about whether to take part but may reveal aims. Deal with it by getting permission by consent forms, parental consent, prior geneal (they agree to be deceived), retrospective (get consent after the study)
  • deception is deliberately misleading/withholding information so consent is not informed. Deal with it by giving participants a debrief after the study of the true aims, what their data will be used for, their right to withhold data, details that were not given during the study
  • protection from harm is when participants should be at no more risk than they would be in everyday life. Deal with it by giving the participants the right to withdraw at any point, should be provided counselling if participants have been distresses
  • privacy and confidentiality is when participants have the right to control information about themselves and if it is invaded, confidentiality should be respected. Deal with it by not keeping records of personal details, refer to participants by numbers/initials