Learning Theory

Cards (9)

  • What is the cupboard love approach?
    Infants attach to the person who provides them with food
  • What is the main assumption of learning theory?
    We learn from the environment and our experiences and we are all born as blank slates
  • Which 2 researchers proposed the cupboard love approach?
    John Dollard and Neal Miller
  • Through which two processes do we learn to develop attachments according to learning theory?
    Classical and operant conditioning
  • How do infants develop attachment through classical conditioning?
    Infants learn to associate the unconditioned stimulus of food with the caregiver
  • Name the unconditioned and neutral stimulus when babies learn to attach through classical conditioning
    x UCS= food x NS= mother
  • What is drive reduction theory?
    When an animal is uncomfortable and this creates a drive to reduce that discomfort.
  • How do infants learn to form attachments through operant conditioning?
    x When child is hungry they experience discomfort and have a drive to reduce this x They will cry - causes mother to feed them and drive is reduced = feelings of pleasure x Acts as negative reinforcement - infant has escaped something unpleasant x Behaviour that led to being fed = more likely to be repeated --> brings caregiver closer and leads to development of attachment.
  • What is the primary and secondary reinforcer in operant conditioning?
    Food = primary reinforcer (supplies reward) x Caregiver = secondary reinforcer as they bring the food (they are associated with the food)