
Cards (7)

  • Motivation
    The force that drives your behaviour
  • Perceptual set and emotion 

    Emotion can affect how we perceive things.
    Wanting something can increase it's attractiveness.
  • Aim
    Gilchrist and Nesburg aimed to find out of food deprivation affects the perception of food pictures
  • Method
    Two groups:
    Deprived of food for 20hours
    Control group (not hungry)
    Shown 4 slides of meals, each slide was displayed for 15seconds. Picture shown again but dimmer and participants had to adjust the brightness back to where it was
  • Results
    Participants perceived the food as brighter if they had been deprived of food
    Control group didn't perceive the food as brighter
  • Conclusion
    Being deprived of food increased perceptual sensitivity.
    Hunger is a motivating factor affecting the way food is perceived.
  • Evaluation
    +Similar studies have similar results, increasing validity
    -Ethical issues- Depriving people of food and water may cause them to feel discomfort
    -Not like everyday life- limited generalisability