Filtration - is an effective method for the sterilization of heat-sensitive materials and it is also utilized to sterilize different liquids and gases (including air).
A filter can be made of:
Asbestos pad (Seitz filter)
Diatomaceous earth (Berkefeld filter)
Porcelain (Chamberland-Pasteur filter)
Sinteredglassdisks (sintered glass filter)
Cellulose (Membrane filter)
Borosilicate glass fiber (HEPA filter)
Mud (Candle filter)
Membrane Filtration technique:
also known as the molecular or biological filter.
Widely used to sterilizeliquids
quality of water and the quantity of microorganisms can be determined using this method
Main purpose is to ascertain the residence or absence of a particular coliform group that is usually existing in wastewater and groundwater.
During membrane filtration, a part of fluid termed permeate (filtrate) moves within the membrane, while other components are expelled by the membrane and clutched in the retentate (concentrate) steam.
A) Water Sample
B) Funnel
C) lockingring
D) forcep
E) membranefilter
F) stainless base
G) rubber stopper
H) filterflask
I) vacuum pump
A) filtering of water through membrane filter
B) 24-48
C) Nutrient medium
D) typical colonies
A) heat-labile
B) drinking
C) monitorthebacterialcells
D) wastewater
E) coldsterilization
F) milk fraction
G) proteins
H) skimmed milk and whey
I) demineralization
A) 0.1 to 10
B) Micro
C) Ultra
D) 0.1
E) 0.01
F) Nano
G) Reverse Osmosis
H) 0.001
I) 0.01
J) 0.0001
K) 0.001
Multiple-tube method - describes the statistical estimation of total coliform density in environmental water sources.
Materials in multiple-tube method:
MacConkey broth
Distilled water
Durham tube
Brilliant green lactose bile broth (BGLB)
Eosin Methylene Blue Agar Medium (EMB)
EMB Medium
Presumptive Test
A) 10 ml
B) 1ml
C) 0.1 ml
D) 10 ml
E) four
F) two
G) all
A) 48
B) 35
C) inoculation
E) Positive
F) Streak
A) Positive
B) confirmed
C) Inoculation
E) Nutrient agar slant
Presence-absence tests - a presumptive detection for coliforms in water; coliforms and other pollution indicator should not be present in a 100 mL water sample.
Materials in presence-absence tests:
20mL glass sampling bottle
HACH PathoScreen Medium for 20mL
100mL glass bottle
candle, lighter, alcohol
UV Lamp
HACH Lauryl Typtose with Bromcresol Purple (LT/BCP) Broh with MUG reagent for 100mL sample