Pre-WWII Europe - History GCSE

Cards (127)

  • The League was a vision for bringing the world together in peace
  • Aims of the League

    • Stop war from breaking out
    • Encourage disarmament
    • Improve working conditions
    • Tackle deadly diseases
  • Not all countries joined the League
  • The League of Nations was created in 1920
  • The League of Nations was set up after World War I
  • The League of Nations was set up to try to prevent another world war
  • The League of Nations was based on Woodrow Wilson's 14 points
  • The League of Nations was based on the idea of collective security
  • The League of Nations was based in Geneva, Switzerland
  • The League of Nations had an Assembly, Council and Secretariat
  • The League of Nations had the power to impose economic and military sanctions on countries that started wars
  • The League of Nations was weakened by the absence of the United States
  • The League of Nations was unable to prevent aggression by Japan, Italy and Germany in the 1930s
  • The League of Nations failed to stop the outbreak of World War II
  • The League of Nations was dissolved in 1946 and replaced by the United Nations
  • The German people were shocked by the severity of the Treaty
  • Germany had not been allowed to negotiate and therefore it was a Diktat
  • The German Government wanted to reject the Treaty but felt they had no choice but to sign it
  • They were immediately hated by the people and became known as the November Criminals
  • Clemenceau
    The least satisfied of the Big Three with the Treaty of Versailles
  • What countries would work together to do in the League

    • Stop war from breaking out
    • Encourage disarmament
    • Improve working conditions
    • Tackle deadly diseases
  • Not all countries were allowed to join the League
  • Britain and France were suspicious of communism and Russia
  • America adopted a policy of isolationism after WWI
  • Woodrow Wilson's vision had been setting up a League of Nations
  • The Senate refused to ratify the Treaty of Versailles
  • This meant it could not join the League
  • Wilson was devastated
  • Organs of the League of Nations

    • Assembly
    • Council
    • Secretariat
    • Permanent Court of International Justice
    • Special Commissions
  • The Assembly met once a year on the first Monday of September
  • Every country had an equal vote but had to be unanimous in making decisions
  • The Council had the power of veto and could stop a ruling with its vote
  • The Permanent Court of International Justice could only advise which made it weak
  • The Secretariat was the Civil Service of the League, in charge of administration and organising any action
  • The League failed to resolve the Vilna dispute between Poland and Lithuania
  • The League successfully resolved the Upper Silesia dispute between Germany and Poland
  • The League failed to stop Mussolini's invasion of Corfu
  • The League successfully resolved the dispute between Greece and Bulgaria
  • The Wall Street Crash and resulting Depression undermined faith in governments and led to the rise of extremist parties like the Nazis
  • The League was powerless to help people or control these new extremist party leaders