sweetness was turned to adamantine heartless cruelty and purity to volumptous wantonness'
- Sewards diaries we are able to see Lucy's whole transformation unravel and this builds slow tension to build suspense upon Lucy's wellbeing the epistolary novel aids this by creating speculation in the reader and increasing fear of Dracula's capabilities as a Victorian audience would always rely on a Dr yet Seward is clueless.
- disruption of the readers reality creates immense fear and it fits within the common trope of damsel in distress yet Lucy has no hero.
-'purity' shows how Seward uses religious connotations of being tainted with evil which links to Dracula's defiance of Christianity through transubstantiation and Stoker may have used Seward to portray Lucy's health status as he was one of her suitors showing how he knew her well and now she's unrecognisable to demonstrate Dracula's power.