Types of conformity and explanations

Cards (10)

  • What are the three types of conformity?
    Compliance, internalisation and identification
  • Define compliance
    A superficial and temporary type of conformity where we outwardly go along with the majority view, but privately disagree with it.
  • Define internalisation
    A deep type of conformity where we take on the majority view because the content of the attitude/behaviour proposed is consistent with our own value system.
  • Define identification
    A moderate type of conformity where we take on the majority view because we want to be associated with the group as we value them in some way, even though we don’t necessarily agree with everything they believe
  • What are the two explanations for conformity?
    Normative social influence (NSI) and informational social influence (ISI)
  • What is Informational Social Influence?
    People conform because they want to be right
  • What is Normative Social Influence?
    People conform because they want to be accepted by the group
  • Which explanation for conformity is most likely to lead to internalisation?
    Informational Social Influence
  • Which is the shallowest type of conformity?
  • Which is the most extreme form of conformity?