Variables Affecting Conformity

Cards (10)

  • Name the study which investigated the effect of group pressure on conformity?
    Asch's line study (1951 & 1955)
  • Describe the procedure of Asch's line study
    x 123 US undergraduate males in groups of 6-8 x Only one naive participant and the rest confederates who were instructed to deliberately give the wrong same wrong answer x Shown 3 lines and asked to say, out loud, which was the same length as the 'standard' line
  • Describe the findings of Asch's study
    x When confederates gave same wrong answer, mean conformity rate = 36.8% x Participants agreed with wrong answer on 4 of the 12 trials
  • State three variables which affect conformity
    1, Group size 2, Unanimity - the extent to which people in the group are saying the same answer 3, Task difficulty
  • What is the effect of group size on conformity?
    With 3 confederates giving the wrong answer conformity rose to 31.8%. Any more and conformity levelled off
  • What Is the effect of unanimity on conformity?
    Conformity reduced by a quarter when there was a dissenting confederate giving the right answer or different wrong answer.
  • What is the effect of group size on conformity?
    Conformity increased when line-judging task made more difficult
  • What is a confederate?
    A colleague of the researcher who is aware of the true aim of the study
  • Would making a task more easy increase or decrease the likelihood of a person conforming?
  • Would having more dissenting participants increase or decrease the likelihood of a person conforming?