Resistance to Social Influence

Cards (10)

  • What are two reasons why someone might resist social influence?
    Social support and internal locus of control
  • What is social support?
    The presence of people who resist pressures to conform or obey can help others to do the same.
  • How did Asch (1955) show evidence for social support increasing resistance to conformity?

    A dissenting confederate decreased conformity from 33% to 5.5%
  • How did Milgram show evidence for social support increasing resistance to conformity?
    Seeing a confederate disobey orders reduced obedience from 65% to 10%
  • What is internal locus of control?
    The belief that we are responsible for what happens in our lives
  • What is external locus of control?
    The belief that what happens in our lives is caused by events outside of our control
  • Which is more likely to lead to resistance to social influence - Internal or external locus of control?
    Internal locus of control
  • How is locus of control linked to resistance to social influence?
    People who have a high internal locus of control are more likely to be able to resist social pressure
  • Which traits does a person with high internal locus of control has that helps them to resist social influence?
    x More self-confident - doesn't need approval from group x Information seekers - rely less on opinion of others
  • What is a dissenting confederate?
    A person in an experiment who goes against the group