Minority Influence

Cards (13)

  • What is minority influence?
    A form of social influence where members of the majority group change their beliefs or behaviours as a result of their exposure to a persuasive minority.
  • What are the three behavioural styles needed to enhance the influence of the minority?
    Commitment, consistency and flexibility
  • What is commitment?
    The degree to which members of a minority are dedicated to a particular cause or activity- the greater the commitment, the greater the influence
  • What is the augmentation principle?
    The more risky the actions the more commitment this demonstrates- leaves the majority thinking ‘they must really believe in this if they’re willing to get hurt…’
  • What is consistency?
    Minority influence is effective when the minority keeps the same beliefs, both over time, and between different members of the minority group.
  • What are the two types of consistency?
    Synchronic and diachronic consistency
  • What is synchronic consistency?
    Consistency between people in the minority
  • What is diachronic consistency?
    Consistency over time
  • What is flexibility?
    Minority influence is effective when they show a willingness to compromise when expressing a position.
  • What is the snowball effect?
    The more people who ‘convert’ to the minority view the faster the rate of conversion
  • Name the study which shows support for consistency in influencing the majority
    Moscovici et al. (1969)
  • What was the procedure of Moscovici et al.’s (1969) study?

    x 172 participants tested to ensure they were not colour blind x In groups of 6 (3 other ptpts and 2 confederates) participants asked to state colour of 36 slides. x All slides were different shades of blue x Condition A: The confederates were CONSISTENT and called the slides green on all trials. x Condition B: The confederates were INCONSISTENT and called the slides green 24 times and blue 12 times. X Control: Six naïve participants with no confederates
  • What were the results of Moscovici et al.'s (1969) study?

    x Control group = only 0.25% of the participants reported any green slides. x Consistent group = participants answered ‘green’ in 8.42% of the trials x Inconsistent group = participants answered ‘green’ in 1.25% of the trials.