Xylose absorption test
1. The patient must not eat foods containing D-Xylose for 3 days before the test, to fast after midnight the day of the test, and to remain fasting until the test is completed 5 hours later
2. The patient must void and discard urine prior testing
3. An adult patient is given a drink containing 25g D-Xylose dissolved in 500mL water, and timing for the test is started as soon as patient finishes it
4. All urine voided by the patient is collected, pooled, and refrigerated for the duration of the test
5. A blood specimen is collected 1 hour after the start of the procedure and tested for D-Xylose
6. A final urine specimen is collected at the end of the 5 hours and added to the pooled specimen, which is then tested for D-Xylose