Subdecks (2)

Cards (611)

  • joint-stock company
    Companies made up of group of investors who bought the right to establish plantations from the king
  • Virginia Company

    The first joint-stock company in the colonies; founded Jamestown; promised gold, conversion of Indian to Christianity, and passage to the Indies
  • Jamestown
    First permanent British colony established in New World (in 1607); Located in Virginia
  • Captain John Smith
    Jamestown's survival was largely due to his leadership; established harsh martial law in the colony to ensure that those who did not work would not eat
  • John Rolfe
    Eased tensions b/t colonists and Indians when he married Pocahontas; discovered a new strain of tobacco; Tobacco cultivations became crucial to Virginia's economy; established the plantation system
  • Pocahontas
    Chief Powatan's daughter; Instrumental in preserving peace in Jamestown
  • royal colony

    Colony administered by a royal governor appointed by the king or queen of the mother country; Ex. VA, NY
  • Puritans
    Protestants who wished to purify the Anglican Church by breaking away from Catholic practices and barring people from the church who were not commited
  • Pilgrims (Separatists)

    Radical Protestants who wished to break from the Anglican Church entirely; Left England to settler in Netherlands but did not approve of the "Dutchification" of their children; enveutally settled in New World to avoid religious persecution
  • Plymouth Colony (Plymouth Bay)

    Chosen as the settlement site by the Pilgrims; located in present-day MA
  • Mayflower
    One of the three ships on which the Pilgrims sailed to the New World
  • Mayflower Compact

    Regarded not as a constitution but as an agreement; Recognized James I as sovereign leader and all settlers as governing body; Agreed to majority rule
  • Massachusetts Bay Colony

    Founded in 1629 by non-Seperatist Puritans
  • John Winthrop
    Governor of MBC; Wished to create "city upon a hill" in which morals were strictly enforced
  • Great Migration

    Turmoil in England caused 150,000+ settlers to migrate to New World; ended with the outburst of English Civil War
  • Virginia House of Burgesses
    First miniature parliament authorized by London Company in 1619 in British American colonies; representative self-gov't; grant revoked by James I who thought assembly was dangerous and made VA a royal colony
  • corporate colonies

    Led by a government with trading-company charters; Ex. MA, RI, CN
  • proprietary colony
    Colony fully governed by governors chosen by private land owners; granted permission by the Crown; are eventually reclaimed by the Crown and made into royal colonies; Ex. MD, PN, DE
  • Chesapeake colonies
    Comprised of MD and VI; had characteristics of both the Middle and Southern colonies - slavey and tobacco (South), farmed grain (Middle)
  • George Calvert (Lord Baltimore)

    Founded colony of Maryland for Catholic haven and profit
  • Act of Toleration (1649

    Guaranteed religious freedom for those who asserted the divinity of Jesus Christ (excluded Atheists and Jews)
  • Sir William (Governor) Berkeley

    Enacted friendly policies toward the Indians, eventually leading to Bacon's Rebellion
  • Bacon's Rebellion

    Freedmen (former indentured servants) had difficulty working and living within the colonies and would often squat on Indian land; after several attacks from Indians, the freedmen requested protection from the gov't (Berkeley); when he refused to send aid and instead enacted policies to help the Indians, the freedmen were outraged; Nathaniel Bacon, an aristocrat and member of the House of Burgesses began mobilizing a militia to protect whites from Indians; massacred Indians and set fire to Jamestown causing Berkeley to flee; after Bacon died of disease, Berkeley crushed the rebellion; SIGNIFICANCE: colonists began to realize how dangerous indentured servants were becoming and upped slave imports
  • indentured servant

    Individuals whose voyages to the New World were paid by others; in return for the free voyage, they would have to work for the provider for a certain period of time
  • slavery
    Captured or traded from Africa and brought to the Americas along the Middle Passage; considered property of wealthy whites, treated harshly; Essentially replaced indentured servitude
  • Roger Williams

    Minister from Salem; extreme Separatist who argued legality of MBC and Plymouth b/c both colonies were built on Indian land which the King had no authority over; Strongly believed in separation of church and state, King should have nothing to do with religious matters;
  • Providence
    In present-day RI; Established by Roger Williams on land he purchased from the Indians; Vowed to accepts all settlers regardless of their beliefs
  • Anne Hutchinson

    Dubbed a heretic and banished from MBC b/c of her radical beliefs in antinomianism
  • antinomianism
    Essentially anarchy; Hutchinson's believe that man did not need to follow laws as his behavior has not bearing on his predestined outcome
  • Thomas Hooker
    A reverend from Boston who led a group into present-day CN where they established the town of Hartford; against the strict policies of Winthrop and the MBC
  • Fundamental Orders of Connecticut (1639)

    FIRST modern constitution in American history; established a democracy controlled by citizens; modeled CN's future colonial charter and state constitution
  • Halfway Covenant

    A form of partial church membership to encourage children and grandchildren of first-genertation settlers to renew piety and abandon quests for material wealth
  • Patroonship
    Favored aristocrats; Granted vast feudal estates to those who would settler at least 50 persons on them; Heavily protested
  • Society of Friends (Quakers)

    Official title for the Quaker religion; stronger opponents to authority and Anglican church than the Puritans - often persecuted because they were considered dangerous; believed in "inner light" not scripture or bishop; Asserted that all men were equal in the eyes of God - challenged social order
  • William Penn
    Founded Pennsylvania as a haven for Quakers and as an experiment of liberal ideas in gov't while making a profit
  • New England Confederation
    Comprised of MBC, New Haven, Plymouth, and CN; joined to fight against Pequots in Pequot War (1636-37)
  • restoration colonies

    colonies that were not founded until after Charles II assumed the throne; EX. NY, SC, NC
  • Holy Experiment
    tested religious toleration among many denominations
  • James Oglethorpe
    founded GA, the last British American colony established, as a haven for debtors as well as a buffer state to prevent any Indian or Spanish incursions from the South (FL)
  • mercantilism
    Idea that colonies existed solely for the benefit of the mother country; provided raw material and resources for England; goal is to export more than import