Conversation Biology

Cards (31)

  • Biodiversity: number, types, and abundance of species in a given location or no earth
  • Three level of diversity: genetic, species, ecosystems
  • Genetic Diversity: variation within and between population
  • Species diversity : variety of species in ecosystem/biosphere
  • Ecosystem diversity: variety of ecosystems in biosphere
  • Endangered species can change a ecosystem
  • extirpation: species extinct in a specific region of the world
  • Benefits of diversity: increases natural selection that help become more fit, and the process that humans derive to benefit them
  • Threats to biodiversity: habitat loss, invasive species(no constraints), over harvesting of wild animals, and extinction
  • MVP: minimum size for population to sustain itself
  • most important members are those who breed
  • Small population approach: extinction vortex occurs
  • Extinction vortex: loss of genetic variability due to genetic drift and inbreeding
  • Declining population approach: focus on declining population even if not at MVP and identify factor that cause decline
  • Landscape conservation: several different ecosystems linked by exchanges of energy, matter, and organisms
  • Fragmentation: Habitat broken into smaller pieces, increase amount if edges
  • Edge: boundary between ecosystems
  • Movement corridor: narrow strip that connects habitat fragments and allows movement between them
  • The advantage to movement corridor is promotion of gene flow and reduces inbreeding
  • The disadvantage of movement corridor is that it can promote spread of disease
  • Hotspot: small area with many endangered species, very difficult to identify, HS for one species may not be one of another
  • Nature perseveres: protected areas of biodiversity
  • Management policy consideration for nature preserves: natural disturbances and SLOSS( single large or several small)
  • Urban Ecology: a city expanding incorporates protected areas previously outside of city
  • Species conservation in cities promote genetic and species diversity
  • Effects of nutrient enrichment: farming and fertilizers
  • Farming: plants are harvested and natural store of nutrients are eventually exhausted
  • Fertilizers: increase amount of fixed nitrogen in soil and sometimes load increases nitrogenous materials that harm the environment
  • Excess nitrogenous material leach into groundwater making it unsafe to drink. Also run off into aquatic environment and kill off fish(eutrophication)
  • Biological magnification: accumulated toxins more concentrated in successive trophic levels and might lead to a species dying
  • Greenhouse gases increase global temptress, that effects the biomes and species