Module 7

Cards (49)

  • as a philosophy, system and classroom practice, gives a very strong signal in the reconceptualization of the teacher education curriculum.
    Outcomes-Based Education
  • Competencies of Quality Teachers as Mandated by the Teacher Education Program Outcomes
    CMO 74-82, s. 2017
  • Demonstrated basic and higher levels of literacy for teaching and learning
    Outcome 1
  • Demonstrated deep and principled understanding of the teaching and learning process
    Outcome 2
  • Mastered and applied the subject matter content and pedagogical principles appropriate for teaching and learning
    Outcome 3
  • Applied a wide range of teaching related skills in curriculum development, instructional material production, learning assessment and teaching delivery
    Outcome 4
  • Articulated and applied clear understanding of how educational processes relate to political, historical, social and cultural contexts.
    Outcome 5:
  • Facilitated learning in various classroom setting, diverse learners coming from different cultural backgrounds.
    Outcome 6
  • Experienced direct field and clinical activities in the teaching milieu as an observer, teaching assistant or practice teacher
    Outcome 7
  • Created and innovated alternative teaching approaches to improve student learning
    Outcome 8
  • Practiced professional and ethical standards for teacher anchored for both local and global perspectives
    Outcome 9
  • Pursued continuously lifelong learning for personal and professional growth as teachers
    Outcome 10
  • Competencies of Quality Teachers as Mandated by the Department of Education Order No. Philippines Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST)
    Education Order No. 42, 5. 2017
  • PPST Domains with clusters of competencies are:
    Domain 1: Competencies on Content Knowledge and Pedagogy
    Domain 2: Competencies on the Learning Environment
    Domain 3: Competencies on Diversity of Learners
    Domain 4: Competencies on Curriculum and Planning
    Domain 5: Competencies on Assessment and Reporting
    Domain 6: Competencies on Community Linkages and Professional Engagement
    Domain 7: Competencies on Personal Growth and Professional
    D.O 42, s. 2017
  • 1.    Knowing and understanding what to teach;
    2.    Helping students to learn;
    3.     Engaging the community and
    4.     Becoming a better teacher.
    Competency Framework for Teachers in South East Asia
  • Graduates possess a broad level of coherent knowledge and skills in their field of study for professional work (teaching) and lifelong learning.
    Knowlede, skills and values
  • Application of professional work (teaching) in a broad range of
    discipline and/or for further studies.
  • Independent (as a teacher) and/or in
    teams for related field.
    Degree of Independence
  • After considering local and global conditions, the Commission on Higher Education approved through a _____ the offering of the new teacher education degrees to prepare teachers in basic education. The degree programs are anchored on the principles of OBE, the POF framework, the K to 12 Curricula for Basic Education and the General Education Courses for College Degrees.
    Commission Memorandum Order- Program Standards and Guidelines (CMO-PSG)
  • All future teachers will be trained on how to use technologies for teaching and learning.
    TTL 1 and 2
  • All future teachers will enhance skills in assessment of learning outcomes.
    ASL 1 and 2
  • Experiential Learning Courses will be more focused on the application of theory to practice in varied contexts.
    Field Study 1 and 2 and teaching internship
  • There are two degree programs that prepare teachers to teach both in the elementary and secondary levels.
  • A new degree is offered for the teaching of Culture and Arts
    Bachelor of Culture and Arts Education
  • Two straight degree programs which were formerly the specialization in BEEd before are offered now to prepare teachers who will teach early childhood education and special education.
    Bachelor in Early Childhood Education and Bachelor in Special Education
  • BEEd- Bachelor of Elementary Education
    CMO 74 s. 2017
  • BSEd- Bachelor of Secondary Education with majors in English, Mathematics, Science, Filipino, Social Studies, Values Education
    CMO 75 s. 2017
  • BECED -Bachelor of Early Childhood Education
    CMO 76 s. 2017
  • BSNEd- Bachelor of Special Needs Education
    CMO 77 s. 2017
  • BTLED-Bachelor of Technology and Livelihood Education
    CMO 78 s. 2017
  • BTVTEd-Bachelor of Technical-Vocational Teacher Education
    CMO 79 s. 2017
  • BPEd- Bachelor of Physical Education
    CMO 80 s. 2017
  • BSESS- Bachelor of Science in Exercise and Sports Sciences* (not for teaching degree)
    CMO 81 s. 2017
  • BCAEd- Bachelor of Culture and Arts Education
    CMO 82 s. 2017
  • PB-DALS- Post - Baccalaureate Diploma in Alternative Learning System
    CMO 83 s. 2017
  • Are means to an end of achieving the outcomes. These are theories, principles, generalization, concepts and ideas.
    Course contents
    • These are course that are common to all degrees which will provide a rock or foundation of becoming a teacher.
    Cluster 1: Professional Education Courses
  • A.     . These cluster provides foundations (Philosophy, Psychology, History, Sociology)
    Ø  The Child and Adolescent Learning Principles
    Ø  The Teaching Profession
    Ø  The Teacher and the Community, School Culture and Organizational Leadership
    Ø  Foundations of Special and Inclusive Education
    Foundation/Theories and Concepts
  • -The subjects will provide foundation, theory and practice in the different aspects of teaching.
    Ø  Facilitating Learner-Centered Teaching and Learning
    Ø  Assessment in Learning 1
    Ø  Assessment in Learning 2
    Ø  Technology for Teaching and Learning 1
    Ø  The Teacher and the School Curriculum
    Ø  Building and Enhancing New Literacies Across the Curriculum
    Pedagogical Content Knowledge
  • These are subjects that bring together theory and practice.
    Ø  Field Study. 1- Observations of Teaching and Learning in Actual School Environment
    Ø  Field Study 2- Participation and Teaching Assistantship
    Ø  Teaching Internship
    Experiential Learning Courses