People (WK 5-6)

Cards (24)

  • “Public service is a public trust. If there is anything unique about public service, it derives from this proposition”
    Lewis and Catron
  • This US President declared, "Your trust is what gives a president his powers of leadership and his personal strength."
    President Ronald Reagan
  • “Where a man assumes a public trust, he should consider himself a public property.”
    Thomas Jefferson
  • “Government is a trust, and the officers of the government are trustees; and both the trust and the trustees are created for the benefit of the people.”
    Henry Clay
  • This association aims to demonstrate the highest standards in all activities to inspire public confidence and trust in public service.
  • What does ASPA stand for?
    American Society for Public Administration
  • What are the four cardinal virtues according to Plato?
    Wisdom, courage, moderation, justice
  • Which religion's teachings state “Good men and bad men differ from each other in their natures. . . . Wise men are sensitive to right and wrong."?
  • This Biblical character formed an administrative hierarchy for the tribes of Israel newly liberated from slavery.
  • He is an influential figure in public administration. He advocated for selected optimism, courage, and “fairness tempered by charity”.
    Stephen Bailey
  • He catalogued the competing ethical claims on public servants under TWELVE SPHERES.
    1. The constitution;
    2. The law;
    3. Nation, country, or people;
    4. Democracy;
    5. Organization-bureaucratic norms;
    6. Profession and professionalism;
    7. Family and friends;
    8. Self;
    9. Middle-range collectivities such as class, party, race, union, interest group, church;
    10. Public interest or general welfare;
    11. Humanity, world, or future; and
    12. Religion or God
    Dwight Waldo
  • “I may be president, but my private life is nobody’s damned business”
    President Chester A. Arthur
  • He formed the theory of countervailing responsibility wherein actions that are deemed correct from the standpoint of one meaning might very well be incorrect or irresponsible from the standpoint of another.
    Michael Harmon
  • Which organization pointed out that "Having a conflict is not, in and of itself, evil, wrong or even unusual. Conflicts may be ethnic, cultural, emotional, nostalgic, regional, financial or philosophical."?
    National Municipal League
  • A Individual, familial, and community obligations have long been written into law and backed by serious sanctions, from the ancient ____ __ _________ and the Book of _________ through today’s inheritance, divorce, child abuse, right-to-die, and other laws.
    Code of Hammurabi, Leviticus
  • Some professional associations, such as the ____ and American Institute of _________ ______ ___________, self-police members’ adherence to formal obligations; other associations, such as ASPA and the GFOA, reject enforcement while articulating relatively broad obligations.
    ICMA, Certified Public Accountants
  • This part of the Koran has implications for rights, property, and inheritance.
    Sura IV
  • This was adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations on December 10, 1948, as “a common standard of achievement for all peoples and all nations".
    The Universal Declaration of Human Rights
  • “We are still . . .thinking in terms of a society in which organizations are rather small and weak, and in which the family is the dominant institution."
    Kenneth Boulding
  • This US President pointed out that formulation, people of integrity “never ran out on either the principles in which they believed or the people who believed in them."
    John F. Kennedy
  • He offers an inclusive view of ethical integrity that suits managerial realities in public service. “The ideal of personal integrity describes a condition where individuals can hold multiple realms of judgment in tension while keeping some coherence in their actions and lives.”

    J. Patrick Dobel
  • The tragic tale of ______ _______, one-time hero of Soviet communism, illustrates the friction between family and public service obligations and between abstract justice and personal compassion.
    Pavlik Morozov
  • Which article and section of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that the family is the natural and fundamental group unit of society and is entitled to protection by society and the State?
    Article 16, Section 3
  • Which article and section of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights declares that everyone has duties to the community in which alone the free and full development of his personality is possible?

    Article 29, Section 1