What did Rutter and Sonuga Barke (2010) find out about the Romanian orphans?
Initially 50% of them had cognitiveissues and were underweight however after the age of 4 they showed greatimprovements and later on some of them even caughtup with the British Control group.
What conclusions did Rutter and Sonuga Barke (2010) make from their findings?
That the negativeeffects of institutionalisation could be overcome through sensitivecare and the fact that the British children had nodeficits suggests that separationalone does not cause developmentissues.
what conclusion was made from Rutter's follow-up study?
That only specificeffects are related to long terminstitutionalcare and that it varied from person to person, so individual differences also play a part.
Why may research into institutional care effects suffer from cultural bias?
A lot of research was conducted in Romania where the institutions were under-funded suggesting that this was the maincause for why the children suffered and so the findings may notbeapplicable to other countries with moreresources.
If deprivation is only one factor then what does this mean?
That the damage only occurs when there are multipleriskfactors and this shows a limitation of the current research which mainly focuses on deprivation.