
Cards (38)

  • Books in the bible, such as revelation, as well as jesus‘ words in Mark chapter 13, suggest that the end of time will be signalled by cosmic disasters and the return of jesus (cosmic reconciliation)
  • Mark chapter 13- “The sun will be darkened and the stars will be falling from heaven and the powers in heaven will be shaken”
  • isaiah 65 - “A new heaven and a new earth“
  • eschatology - the study of what will happen at the end of time, what happens after death
  • Death:
    • not the end, not something to fear, start of eternal life
    • while the body dies, the soul continues on
  • Judgement:
    • God will judge everyone after death and everything that they have done in their lives will be taken into consideration
    • God is a fair judge and is merciful
  • Heaven:
    • state of eternal happiness
    • Gods love removes all our care and worries
  • Hell:
    • state of eternal separation from God
    • A place of eternal punishment of those who have rejected God
  • Sprinkling of holy water and anointing with oil - reminder of baptism and hope of eternal happiness with God
  • Confession of sins and taking communion - sign of forgiveness and reconciliation with God, christ is with them
  • paschal candle:
    • Alpha and Omega symbols
    • 5 grains of incense around the cross
    • years since Jesus entered the world
  • Memorials are structures/areas that are built to honour someone that has died. Catholics believe the body is the temple of the Holy spirit and will be raused from the dead.
  • Paschal Candle
    A candle that is lit during the Easter season
  • Paschal Candle
    • It has the year written around the cross
    • It is a symbol of the light of Christ
  • The Paschal Candle is lit during the Easter season
  • The Paschal Candle is a symbol of the light of Christ
  • The Paschal Candle has the year written around the cross
  • Eschatology
    The study of the end times and the final events of history
  • Liturgies of life and death

    Rituals and ceremonies surrounding life and death
  • Last Rites
    The final sacraments and rituals given to a dying person
  • The Last Rites include the anointing of the sick, viaticum (Holy Communion), and prayers for the dying
  • The Last Rites are a time of healing and hope for the dying person and their loved ones
  • Michelangelo's The Last Judgement

    A painting depicting the second coming of Christ and the final judgement of humanity
  • The Last Judgement painting shows everyone being raised from the dead and judged by Christ
  • The Shroud of Turin

    A cloth believed to be the burial shroud of Jesus Christ
  • The Shroud of Turin is seen as a powerful symbol of Christ's death and resurrection
  • Memorials for the dead

    Rituals and practices to remember and honour those who have died
  • Memorials for the dead express the Catholic belief that the body is the temple of the Holy Spirit
  • Memorials for the dead reflect the Catholic belief in the resurrection of the body and life after death
  • Memorials for the dead include prayers, sprinkling of holy water, and the commendation of the soul
  • Memorials for the dead are a sign of love, respect, and reconciliation with God
  • Purgatory
    A state of purification after death, before entering heaven
  • Catholics believe in purgatory, where the soul is purified before entering heaven
  • Heaven
    The eternal dwelling place of God and the saints
  • Hell
    The eternal separation from God, the punishment for unrepentant sin
  • The four last things are death, judgement, heaven, and hell
  • Catholics believe in the resurrection of the body and life after death
  • The parable of the rich man and Lazarus teaches about the afterlife and the importance of caring for the poor