Cards (84)

  • The trinity is the belief that God is three persons in one God.
  • The three parts of the trinity are the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
  • Monotheism is the belief in one God
  • Omnipotent means all powerful
  • Omnipresent means God is everywhere
  • Omnibenevolent means God is all loving
  • Omniscient means God is all knowing
  • Jesus is God incarnated (in flesh)
  • The atonement is the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross, which forgave the sins of all people
  • Jesus was born to Mary but was conceived of the Holy Spirit
  • Jesus' life provides a perfect example of how God wants people to live
  • Immanent means within all
  • Transcendent means above all
  • The Holy spirit guides Christians
  • The Holy spirit is represented by the dove
  • God made everything good and made humanity as the highpoint of creation
  • Fundamental christians interpret the bible as the literal word of god
  • Conservative christians believe the bible was written by humans who were inspired by god
  • Liberal christians regard the bible as worlds written about god and a guide for christians in understanding their faith
  • "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness" Genesis 1
  • God is forgiving, shown in the parable of the prodigal son.
  • Jesus taught his disciples The Lord's Prayer when they asked how to pray
  • The Lord's prayer is the most widely known example of a set prayer
  •  Set prayers are formal, written prayers that are often memorised so that they can be recited both publicly and privately.
  • Informal prayers are like individual conversations with God.
  • Christians believe that because of his omnibenevolent nature, God gives human beings instructions on how to live a good life and get to Heaven after they die.
  •  A creed is a statement that sums up key beliefs
  • Unitarian churches, such as Christadelphians, reject belief in the Trinity
  • Christians believe that all three persons of the Trinity were present at the creation of the world. 
  • Genesis 1 shows that the Holy Spirit also had a role:
    "The Spirit of God was hovering over the water"
  • "And let them have dominion … over all the earth."
  • "God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life"
  • Most Christians believe that humans have a role as caretakers or ‘stewards’ of creation
  • Moral evil is due to wicked actions that people choose to do using their free will
  • Natural evil is due to things beyond human control that results in suffering
  • The Book of Job shows suffering is given by God to humanity as a test
  • Humans need evil to appreciate goodness
  • Sin entered the world due to the disobedience of Adam and Eve
  • Those who have suffered will be rewarded in Heaven
  • "The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us."