Background - MHC gene enables immune system to recognise pathogens. The more diver MHC the better immune system. Smell MHC.
Aim - Investigate if MHC would affect mate choices.
Sample - 49 females + 44 males from Uni. All types for MHC.
Procedure - men asked to wear t-shirt for 2 nights and left in an open bag in the day. Perfume-free detergent and soap. No deodorant/perfume, no smoking/drinking, eating spicy food and no sex.
- Women ranked 7 t-shirts for smell. Happened 2 weeks after menstruation and used a nose spray.
- 3 similar MHC, 3 different and 1 control (unworn). Scored for intensity and pleasantness.
Results - scored more pleasant for dissimilar MHC genes = MHC influences mate choice.
Conc - Prefer men with different immune system due to better health of potential babies. Evo explanation of mate selection.
Unrepresentative - same age.
Cannot explain same-sex relationships, cant procreate naturally.