an abstract is a short summary including the majorelements such as aims, hypotheses, method/procedure, results and conclusions
introduction is a look at relevant theories, concepts and studies
method should include sufficient detail so that other researchers can replicate it. It should include:
design- independent groups or not, if it is a naturalistic observation and reasons for choice
sample- how many participants, sampling method, target population
procedure- list of everything that happened including briefing, standardised instructions
ethics- how these were addressed
results are a summary of key findings. Need to include:
descriptive statistics- tables, graphs and charts, measures of tendency and measures of dispersion
inferential statistics- reference to choice of test, calculates and critical value, level of significance, accept/reject null
discussion is a summary of key findings, relationships of results to previous research. limitations of study and suggestions for how they might be addressed in a future study and world implications of the research