Schaffer and Emerson studied attachmentbehaviours of babies and proposed there are four identifiable stages of attachment.
The four stages of attachment are;
Asocial stage
Indiscriminate attachment
Specific attachment
Multiple attachment
The first stage of attachment identified by Schaffer and Emerson is Asocial stage
Asocial stage is;
The second stage identified by Schaffer and Emerson is indiscriminate attachment
Indiscriminate stage;
Recognise and like company from familiarpeople
Accept cuddles from anyone
The third stage identified Schaffer and Emerson is specific attachment
Specific attachment;
Primary attached to maincaregiver
Show stranger anxiety when not with caregiver
The fourth attachment identified by Schaffer and Emerson is multiple attachments
Multiple attachment;
Babies show attachment towardsseveralpeople
Schaffer and Emerson procedure;
Involved 60babies from Glasgow mainly w/c
Visited families homes every month
Designed to measure babiesattachments
Schaffer and Emerson found four distinct stages of attachment
Schaffer and Emersons study had externalvalidity
Their research had highexternalvalidity as the babies were observed in their own home and done around their parents meaning it would not effect the results.
A weakness to their research is that it has low generalisability
Their research has lowgeneralisability as they studied families from the same city and socialclass - meaning it only represents them