Schaffer and Emerson

Cards (16)

  • Schaffer and Emerson studied attachment behaviours of babies and proposed there are four identifiable stages of attachment.
  • The four stages of attachment are;
    1. Asocial stage
    2. Indiscriminate attachment
    3. Specific attachment
    4. Multiple attachment
  • The first stage of attachment identified by Schaffer and Emerson is Asocial stage
  • Asocial stage is;
    • 0-6weeks
    • Attention seeking behaviour
  • The second stage identified by Schaffer and Emerson is indiscriminate attachment
  • Indiscriminate stage;
    • 6weeks-7months
    • Recognise and like company from familiar people
    • Accept cuddles from anyone
  • The third stage identified Schaffer and Emerson is specific attachment
  • Specific attachment;
    • 7mth+
    • Primary attached to main caregiver
    • Show stranger anxiety when not with caregiver
  • The fourth attachment identified by Schaffer and Emerson is multiple attachments
  • Multiple attachment;
    • 10-11mths
    • Babies show attachment towards several people
  • Schaffer and Emerson procedure;
    • Involved 60 babies from Glasgow mainly w/c
    • Visited families homes every month
    • Designed to measure babies attachments
  • Schaffer and Emerson found four distinct stages of attachment
  • Schaffer and Emersons study had external validity
  • Their research had high external validity as the babies were observed in their own home and done around their parents meaning it would not effect the results.
  • A weakness to their research is that it has low generalisability
  • Their research has low generalisability as they studied families from the same city and social class - meaning it only represents them