keywords and quotes 1

Cards (24)

  • Free will

    The ability to choose our actions between right and wrong
  • Stewardship
    Humans are entrusted with the care of the earth, looking after it for god
  • Sanctity of life

    All human life is special and sacred
  • Old testament

    • Torah
    • History
    • Wisdom
    • Prophecy
  • New testament

    • Gospels
    • Act of the apostle
    • Epistles
    • Revelation
  • Natural law

    Inbuilt sense of what is morally right or wrong
  • Incarnation
    God becoming man in jesus
  • Beatitudes
    Sums up jesus' teachings about what it means to live as a child of god's kingdom
  • Magisterium
    The teaching authority of church, formed by a group of bishops
  • Vatican II

    The second vatican council where all catholic priest meet with the pope
  • Imago dei

    Human beings are made in the image of god
  • Trinity
    Christians believe that god is made up of three person
  • Mission
    Going out to spread the word of god and reflect love through social needs
  • Evangelisation
    Spreading of the gospel message through words like preaching
  • Doctrine
    A belief or set of belief held and taught by the church
  • Salvation
    Restoring humanity to fellowship with god
  • Station of the cross
    Dramatic prayer where people are invited to move around the church looking at images of jesus on his path to the cross
  • Pilgrimages
    Go to holy places
  • Dei Verbum

    Read the bible instead of just listening in mass
  • Sacrosanctum concilium

    Mass translate to local language
  • Gaudium et spes

    Encourage people to engage in social justice
  • Lumen gentium

    Member should be involved in missions
  • Apostolic succession

    The authority of the apostles handed down
  • Purgatory
    A state of cleansing and healing to prepare the soul to return to heaven