
Cards (8)

  • extraneous variables
    - any variable other than the IV that could influence the measurement of the DV
    - potentially shows a casual relationship between IV and DV that isn't really there, or can hide one
  • participant variables
    - in an IGD if there are more ppl with relevant characteristics, prior knowledge/skills related to the task in 1 condition
    - can result in a difference in performance between conditions, unrelated to IV
  • situational variables
    - environmental factors present in 1 condition but not the other, which can result in a change in behaviour between them
    - eg: temperature, noise, visual differences
  • order effects
    - in RMD, the fact the ppt has already completed one condition can alter behaviour in the second condition
    - practice effects, fatigue; improving/worsening performance
  • confounding variables
    - a variable other than the IV that changes systematically between the levels of IV
    - as you change the IV, you also change the confounding variable; researcher then measures effect of CV as well as IV
  • ways to control these variables
    - ppt variables: random allocation of ppts/randomisation of instruction (eg: random word list), matched pairs
    - order effects: counter-balancing
    - situational variables: standardised procedures
    - demand characteristics: single and double blind trials
  • peer review
    - before publication, researcher needs to show their study to other experts in the field
    - unaccounted for variables may be identified which have confounded the results, lacks internal validity
  • pilot studies
    -a small-scale version of the main research study conducted before the main study
    - uses same methodology, data collection/analysis to identify any issues within the procedure and methods