Cards (10)

  • in what two senarios does MSB≈MPB ? ie demand curve
    Positive production externalities
    Negative production externalities
  • In positive production externalities, what curve is higher ?

    MPC is higher than MSC
    as the costs to society are lower than private costs - tree plantations (carbon sink)
  • in negative production externalities which curve is higher?
    MSC is higher than MPC (s) due to the existence of external costs.
  • in negative production externalities what curve diverges and why?
    MSC as with extra output there is more pollution.
  • for what 4 market failures is the MSC≈MPC curve upward sloping?

    positive consumption externalities
    negative consumption externalities
    demerit goods
    merit goods
  • For what two diagrams is MSB higher than MPB?
    positive consumption externalities
    merit goods
  • for what two market failures is MPB larger than MSB?
    negative consumption externalities
    demerit goods
  • what causes merit and demerit goods to exist?
    information failure
  • where does the market optimal level?
  • longest side of DWL is the difference between?
    MSB and MSC