feminist view on families and households

Cards (13)

  • overall feminist view
    they argue that families preserve, support and embed patriarchy
  • marxist feminist view
    they argue that the main cause of women's oppression is capitalism
  • what functions would marxist feminists say women's oppression gives?
    women reproduce the labour work force
    women absorb anger
    women are a 'reserve army of cheap labour
  • name of a marxist feminist
    Fran Ansley
  • what did Ansley say about the family
    she argued that women absorb the anger that would otherwise be directed at capitalism
    women are 'takers of shit' in the nuclear family
  • solutions to women's oppression - marxist feminists
    need to tackle capitalism to be able to tackle patriarchy
    campaigning for better pay and conditions where women work and paying women for housework and childcare
  • evaluation of marxist feminism
    women's oppression was evident before capitalism and it can be argued that oppression was worse before
  • radical feminist view of the family
    the nuclear family is where oppression starts
    dual burden and triple shift
  • who argues that there is a dark side of the family
    radical feminists - domestic abuse
  • solutions of women's oppression by radical feminists
    separatism and the abortion of the traditional nuclear family
  • evaluation of radical feminism
    ignores the progress that women have made which is identified by liberal feminists
  • what did sommerville say about the family?
    she found that there was increased choice for women and the rise in the dual earner household has helped create greater equality
    march of progress view
  • evaluation of liberal feminists
    difference feminists argue that they have an ethnocentric view and it only reflects the experiences of mainly white middle class women