a twisting or turning action resulting in a tearing of ligaments associated with a joint
list three factors that can cause muscles to malfunction causing disorders
injury, cancer, and age
a reflex arc is the simplest pathway able to receive a stimulus, enter the central nervous system for immediate interpretation, and produce a response
efferent or motor neurons are those that convey information from the brain and spinal cord to muscles and glands
how many pairs of cervical nerves
how many pairs of thoracic nerves
how many pairs of lumbar nerves
how many pairs of coccygeal nerves
what are the basic differences between the anatomy of skeletal, smooth, and cardiac muscles
thelocation, function, and striation
has two divisions, sympathetic and parasympathetic
potassium ions rush out of a cell in an attempt to restore resting membrane potential
nerve cells that transmit nerve impulses
sodium ions rush into cell changing the inside charge from negative to positive
bundle of nerve cells
the cerebellum is the largest portion of the membrane
consistent mental activity leads to mental alertness and a healthy brain
the prominent fissure that separates the cerebrum into right and left halves or hemisphere is the: longitudinal fissure
the membrane that separates the external ear canal from the middle ear is known as the tympanic membrane (eardrum)
inflammation of the meninges caused by bacterial or viral infection that results in a headache, fever, and a stiff neck is known as meningitis
a disease characterized by tremors of the hand when resting and a slow, shuffling walk with the rigidity of muscular movements is known as parkinson's disease
the part of the brain that contains all of the ascending and descending tracts that connect between the spinal cord and various parts of the brain is called the medula onblogota
glaucoma is a condition caused by excessive pressure buildup in the aqueous humor, which can constrict blood vessels entering the eye
the cerebellum is the second largest portion of the brain and functions as a reflex center in the coordination complex skeletal muscular movements, maintaining proper body posture, and keeping the body balanced .
an aneurysm is an enlargement or dilation of a blood vessel wall, commonly referred to as a ballooning
multiple sclerosis is a disease caused by progressive demyelination of nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord