Defined as a new of conveying something, such as a channel of communication, can build connections and influence societies and it can contribute to the strengthening of globalization
Lule(2014) even claimed that globalization could not occur without media
The oldest most enduring communication media
Oral Communication
Has been present with us for at least 200,000 years
Created and allowed humans to communicate and share knowledge and ideas over much longer time
PrintingPress started the information revolution and transformed makes and businesses, nations, churches, governments, etc
According to Einstein (1979), the printing press changed the nature of knowledge.
Alexander Graham Bell is credited with inventing the telephone in 1876. It quickly becomes a globally adopted medium. By 1927, the first transatlantic call was made vial radio. Radio developed alongside the telegraph and the telephone in the late 1890s. The technology was first conceived as a wireless telegraph. By the early 1900s, speech was transmitted without wires.
The creation of cellular phone in 1973 by Martin Cooper
Digital media are most often rely on digital codes
Citizen of the world
is the idea that all human beings are members of a
single community.
This suggests that cultures are different, strong, and resilient.
Cultural Differentialism
It suggests that cultures are destined to clash as globalization continually brings them together.
Cultural differentialism
This suggests that globalization will bring
Cultural Convergence
It suggest that globalization will bring about an increasing blending of cultures