MDL244 questions

Cards (19)

  • Reagent contamination will not cause false positive Rh testing results. true or false
  • The (MHC) refers to a cluster of genes that are involved in graft rejection and the immune response.
  • Because of its immunogenicity, the D antigen is the most clinically important antigen of the Rh blood group system.

  • The antiglobulin phase of serologic testing uses anti-human globulin reagent to detect binding of IgG antibody to antigen on the red cells.
  • Precautions
    Procedures that reduce the risk of exposure to blood borne infections
  • MSDS
    Manufacturer information regarding hazardous materials/chemicals
  • Validation
    Testing performed to evaluate whether an instrument or system correctly does what it is designed to perform
  • Type and Screen

    ABO/Rh testing and a screen for unexpected antibodies
  • Acquired B
    Considered a type of ABO discrepancy in Group A individuals where additional antigen reaction is present
  • Auto Control

    Test method where the patient's cells and patient's plasma are used
  • Mixed Field Agglutination
    Mixture of agglutinated and non-agglutinated red cells, indicating a possibility of 2 or more cell populations
  • Clinically Significant Antibody
    Antibodies that react at 37 degrees and are capable of causing decreased RBC survival in vivo
  • Crossmatch
    Compatibility testing using donor cells and patient plasma
  • Adsorption
    Purposely attaching antibody to RBC in an attempt to remove that antibody from plasma
  • Indirect Antiglobulin Technique (IAT)
    Use of Anti-Human Globulin reagent to detect RBC-bound antibodies
  • Elution
    Removal of bound antibody from the RBC surface into a solution for further testing
  • Which of the following reagents may be used to potentiate the reactivity of weak antibodies?
    albumin, PEG, LISS
  • If patient Mr. P's blood type is A Positive, specify all blood types of RBCs that would be compatible for transfusion.
    A Positive, A Negative, O Positive, O Negative
  • Which of the following antibodies characteristically react ONLY at the AHG phase of testing?
    Anti-Fya, -Jka, and -K

    (Duffy, Kell, Rh, Kidd, Ss)