For Japan to surrender Port Arthur Russia lost despite being
the bigger country
The Bloody Sunday Massacre took place when troops opened fire on protestors killing hundreds of people including women and children
1905 Revolution events
Russo-Japanese War
Bloody Sunday
The mutiny on Battleship Potemkin
The signing of the October Manifesto
The trial of the Anti-Soviet Trotskyist Centre (show trial 2) 1937
The trial of the Twenty-One (show trial 3) 1938
Trotsky was murdered in 1940 by an ice axe
Leaders of Russia
Tsar Nicholas II
The Trial of the Sixteen (show trial 1) 1936
Proletariat: The exploited industrial workers who would triumph in the last greatclass struggle.
Bourgeoisie: The middle class, the owners of capital who exploited the workers.
Duma: The Russian parliament, which existed from 1906-1917
The Octobrists: were moderates who were basically loyal to the Tsar and his government. They were mainly drawn from the larger commercial, industrial and landowning interests.
They may not have wanted the overthrow of tsardom, but they were very willing to point out its failings.
The Kadets: were liberals who wanted constitutional reform and an end to autocracy.
The Kadet Programme:
An All-Russian Constituent Assembly.
Full equality and civil rights for all citizens.
The ending of censorship.
The abolition of the mortgage repayments on land.
The recognition of trade unions and the right to strike.
The introduction of universal, free education.
Secret Police names in different periods of time:
Okhrana 1881-1917
Cheka 5th Dec 1917-6th Feb 1922
GPU 1922-1923
OGPU 1923-1934
NKVD 10th July 1934-15th Mar 1946
Kronstadt rebellion 1921
Many rebels escaped across the ice into Finland; many were killed in the fighting, and many who survived were executed or sent to prison camps.
It was crushed by 18thMarch1921.
Tambov Rebellion
Much of the peasant army was destroyed by large Red Army reinforcements using chemical weapons in the summer of 1921.