Russia 1894-1941

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  • 80% of Russia's population was peasants
  • Nicholas II was the last Tsar of Russia until him and his family were assassinated in July 1918 by a Bolshevik mob
  • Russia was an autocracy - ruled by one person (Tsar) who made all decisions without consulting anyone else
  • Tsar Nicholas II abdicated in March 1917 and the Provisional Government took over
  • The Duma had no real power as it could not pass laws or make important decisions, but only advise the Tsar on what to do.
  • In February 1917, the Tsar dismissed the Duma because he did not like their advice about how to deal with the war
  • Witte was tasked into modernising Russia's industry to catch up with the Western European powers
  • Pobedonostsev kept Russia looking backwards politically, religiously and culturally. He wanted Autocracy, Orthodoxy and Nationality.
  • Witte put a tax on good, such as vodka, salt and petrol. This hit the peasants particularly hard.
  • Opposition
    • Liberals
    • Populists
    • SR's (Social Revolutionaries)
    • SD's (Social Democrats)- Bolsheviks (Lenin) + Mensheviks (Martor)
  • The Russo-Japanese War Feb 1904-1905

    Purpose: Outcome:
    For Japan to surrender Port Arthur Russia lost despite being
    the bigger country
  • The Bloody Sunday Massacre took place when troops opened fire on protestors killing hundreds of people including women and children
  • 1905 Revolution events
    • Russo-Japanese War
    • Bloody Sunday
    • The mutiny on Battleship Potemkin
    • The signing of the October Manifesto
  • The trial of the Anti-Soviet Trotskyist Centre (show trial 2) 1937
    • Radek
    • Pyatakov
    • Sokolnikov
  • The trial of the Twenty-One (show trial 3) 1938
    • Bukharin
    • Rykov
    • Yagoda
  • Trotsky was murdered in 1940 by an ice axe
  • Leaders of Russia
    • Tsar Nicholas II
    • Lenin
    • Stalin
  • The Trial of the Sixteen (show trial 1) 1936
    • Kamenev
    • Zinoviev
  • Proletariat: The exploited industrial workers who would triumph in the last great class struggle.
  • Bourgeoisie: The middle class, the owners of capital who exploited the workers.
  • Duma: The Russian parliament, which existed from 1906-1917
  • The Octobrists: were moderates who were basically loyal to the Tsar and his government. They were mainly drawn from the larger commercial, industrial and landowning interests.
    • Guchkov
    • Rodzianko
    They may not have wanted the overthrow of tsardom, but they were very willing to point out its failings.
  • The Kadets: were liberals who wanted constitutional reform and an end to autocracy.
    • Milyukov
    • Rodichev
  • The Kadet Programme:
    • An All-Russian Constituent Assembly.
    • Full equality and civil rights for all citizens.
    • The ending of censorship.
    • The abolition of the mortgage repayments on land.
    • The recognition of trade unions and the right to strike.
    • The introduction of universal, free education.
  • Secret Police names in different periods of time:
    • Okhrana 1881-1917
    • Cheka 5th Dec 1917-6th Feb 1922
    • GPU 1922-1923
    • OGPU 1923-1934
    • NKVD 10th July 1934-15th Mar 1946
  • Kronstadt rebellion 1921
    • Many rebels escaped across the ice into Finland; many were killed in the fighting, and many who survived were executed or sent to prison camps.
    • It was crushed by 18th March 1921.
  • Tambov Rebellion
    • Much of the peasant army was destroyed by large Red Army reinforcements using chemical weapons in the summer of 1921.
    • 240,000 people were killed.