ProductVolumeVariance it measures the amount of overhead applied to the numbers of units produced
Production Volume Variance = (ActualUnitsProduced - Budgeted Productunits) x BudgetedOverheadrateperunit
It is the difference between the actual number units produced in a period and the budgeted number of units that should have been produced, multiplied by the budgeted overhead rate
Contribution Margin Per Unit Formula
Unit selling Price - Variable Cost per unit
Contribution Margin Ratio
Contribution Margin Price/ Sales
Break-Even Point per Units
Total Fixed Cost/ Contribution Margin per units
Contribution Margin Ratio
Shows how the contribution margin will be affected by a given peso change in total sales.
Break Even Point
The level of sales volumes where total revenues and total expenses are equal, that is, neither profit or loss.
Margin of Safety
Measures the potential effect of the risk that the sales will fall short of planned levels
Effect of the risk that sales will fall short of planned levels as influenced by the relative proportion of fixed to variable manufacturing costs - Ratio of CM to profit
Higher value = higher risk; Change in sales will have a relatively greater impact on profit
Operating Leverage Formula
ContributionMargin / Profit or Net OperatingIncome