
Cards (17)

  • Article 15: The right to
    form, hold, receive and
    impart opinions.
  • Article 16: Free and equal access to information inside and outside state borders.
  • Article 19: The freedom to hold opinions without
    interference and to seek, receive and impart
    information through any media.
  • Seek truth and report it:
    Journalists should be honest, fair
    and courageous in gathering,
    reporting, and interpreting
  • Minimize harm: Ethical
    journalists treat sources, subjects
    and colleagues as human beings
    deserving of respect.
  • Act independently: Journalists
    should be free of obligation to any
    interest other than the public’s right
    to know.
  • Be accountable: Journalists are
    accountable to their readers,
    listeners, viewers and each other.
  • “Mediated” refers to the presence of a medium like
    television, radio or billboard, to convey the
    message from sender to receivers.
  • “Identifiable source” refers to a named, rather than an anonymous message.
  • “Action” refers to the behavior
    that is desired by the advertiser,
    such as buying a product or
    service, adapting a behavior
  • As marketing tool: Products find buyers through
  • As transmitter of information: Advertising
    provides the information that consumers need to make
  • An economic stimulant: Advertising is a global industry employing large numbers of people and generating huge revenues.
  • A purveyor of values: Advertisements may promote certain values such as health, thrift, civic engagement, environment-friendly behavior.
  • “Process” is a preferable to “management function,”
  • “Relationships” relates
    to public relations’ role in
    helping to bring together
    organizations and
    individuals with their key
  • “Publics” is preferable to “stakeholders,” as the
    former relates to the very “public” nature of public