foundation blocks where UDHR was built. reaffirms human dignity, equality, and brotherhood
Article 3-11
first column; rights of an individual: to life, outlawing of slavery or torture, equality before the law, to fair trial
Article 12-17
second column; rights within civil and political society, to movement, nationality, to marry, to own property
Articles 18-21
third column; spiritual and religious rights, of thought and conscience, right to own opinion, to peaceful assembly, to vote and take part in government
Articles 22-27
final column; social, economic, cultural rights of the individual, to work, rest and leisure, standard of living, to education
Article 28-30
pediment that binds all columns together; reminds rights come with obligations
Article 1
all human born free and equal in dignity and rights.
Article 2
everyone entitled to all rights and freedoms set forth in this declaration
Article 3
everyone right to life, liberty, security of person
Article 4
No one shall be held in slavery, slave trade
Article 5
no one subjected to torture or inhuman degrading treatment or punishment
Article 6
right to recognition everywhere as a person
Article 7
all are equal to law, equal protection of law
Article 8
right to an effective remedy by competent national tribunals for acts violating the rights
Article 9
no one subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile
Article 10
everyone entitled in full equality to a fair and public hearing
Article 11
charged w penal offence has the right to innocence until proven guilty
Article 12
no one subjected to interference with privacy, family, home. nor attack upon honor and reputation
Article 13
right to freedom of movement and residence
right to leave any country
Article 14
right to seek and enjoy in other countries
Article 15
right to nationality
Article 16
right to marry and found a family
Article 17
right to own property alone or with association
Article 18
right to freedom of thought, religion, change belief, freedom