
Cards (11)

  • RC Circuits
    Circuits that contain both resistance and capacitance
  • RC Circuits

    • Timing circuits
    • Camera flashes
    • Pacemakers
  • Gustav Robert Kirchhoff
    German physicist who contributed to the fundamental understanding of electrical circuits, spectroscopy and emission of black-body radiation

    Formulated two rules in calculating the amount of current
    that goes through a circuit
  • Kirchhoff's Rules

    • Kirchhoff's Point/Junction Rule: The sum of all the currents entering a point or junction of the circuit is equal to the sum of all the currents leaving that point or junction
    • Kirchhoff's Loop/Circuit Rule: The algebraic sum of potential charges around any complete loop in the network is equal to zero
  • Applying Kirchhoff's Rules
    1. Assign direction of current flow
    2. Label high potential side with + and low potential side with -
    3. Use point rule to get equation I1 + I2 = I3
    4. Consider loop ABCF, use loop rule to get equation V1 - I1R1 - (I1 + I2)R3 = 0
    5. Consider loop DCFE, use loop rule to get equation V2 - I2R2 - (I1 + I2)R3 = 0
    6. Solve the system of linear equations to find I1 and I2
    7. Substitute values to find I3
  • Capacitor States

    • Charging: As the e-current enters a capacitor, it stores charges
    • Discharging: As the capacitor releases the stored energy
    o A charging and discharging capacitor each possess different attributes in terms of the current that passes through it, the e-potential across it, and the charge it contains.
  • Magnetism
    Recall how there are two kinds of electrical charge (+ and -),
    and likes repel, opposites attract.
    Similarly, there are two kinds of magnetic poles (north and
    south), and like poles repel, opposites attract.

    Magnetic Poles
    • North-seeking pole and south-seeking pole
    • Like poles repel, opposites attract
    o The repulsion and attraction of the poles are caused by
    magnetic force that exist between the poles.
    o Magnetic poles, however cannot exist in isolation like e-
    o Breaking a magnet into two just give you a tiny version of
    the magnet with both N and S poles
  • Magnetization and Demagnetization
    • Magnetic properties wear out over time or through techniques like hammering, heating, and exposure to alternating current
    o These techniques involve mixing up the arrangement of
    molecules to cancel the polarity of the entire material
    • Molecules can be re-arranged via magnetization by exposing to another strong magnet
  • Magnetic Field
    • A region where another magnetic pole will experience magnetic interaction
    • Graphically represented by magnetic field patterns
    • Density of lines is proportional to field strength
    o North Pole: lines are drawn from it
    o South Pole: lines are drawn towards it
  • Charged Particles in a Magnetic Field
    o HANS CHRISTIAN OERSTED: observed that a current
    passing through a conductor deflects a nearby compass in 1820.
    o This gives way to his discovery of electromagnetism.
    o He also discovered that e-current results in magnetism.
    o When charged particles are in motion a magnetic force is formed
    around it; this motion depends on the EMF that made it move
    • Motion depends on the EMF that made them move
    • Greater EMF causes faster movement and greater acceleration
  • Cyclotron
    • Apparatus that sets charged particles into motion and subjects them to a magnetic field
    • Particles move outward from center and continuously accelerate
    • Acceleration is directly proportional to radius
    • Cyclotron Frequency: number of revolutions the charge undergoes