Improvements in technology - magic bullets

Cards (9)

  • Magic bullet
    A chemical treatment that kills specific bacteria inside the body without harming the body
  • Paul Ehrlich
    • Worked with Robert Koch in Germany
    • Put forward the concept of a magic bullet in 1900
    • Argued that a chemical could deliberately target bacteria in the human body and kill those bacteria
  • Arsenic
    A form of poison
  • Compound
    A substance formed by the chemical union (involving bond formation) of two or more elements
  • Syphilis
    A sexually transmitted disease which causes degeneration to the brain and body if untreated
  • Salvarsan 606
    • First magic bullet
    • Discovered by Japanese scientist Sahachiro Hata in 1909
    • 606th compound of Salvarsan (a drug containing arsenic)
    • Able to kill the bacteria that cause syphilis
  • Prontosil
    • Second magic bullet
    • Discovered by Gerhard Domagk in the 1930s
    • Killed the bacteria that cause blood poisoning
    • Used to cure Domagk's daughter's blood poisoning
  • Scientists realised that Salvarsan 606 and Prontosil contained sulphonamide
  • Following the discovery of sulphonamide, drug companies developed sulphonamide cures for diseases such as pneumonia and scarlet fever