gcse sociology families

Cards (63)

  • Arranged Marriage
    A marriage in which the parents have a say in the choice of bride or bridegroom for their son or daughter.
  • Bigamy
    The illegal practice in a monogamous society of having more than one spouse.
  • Breadwinner
    The person who is the main income earner.
  • Census
    A survey of all people and households in the country, held every 10 years in the UK.
  • Cereal Packet Family
    The stereotypical image of the nuclear family presented through the media involving two parents and two children.
  • Cohabiting
    Partners living together without being married.
  • Commune
    A small community whose members share in the ownership of property and the division of labour.
  • Conjugal Bond
    The attachment that exists between marriage partners.
  • Dependent Child
    A person living in the household who is under 16 years of age or aged between 16 and 18 but in full time education.
  • Divorce
    A legal ending of a marriage.
  • Divorce Petition
    The formal request to start divorce proceedings.
  • Domestic Division of Labour
    How household tasks are divided between family members.
  • Egalitarian
    The idea that all are equal.
  • Empty Shell Marriage
    When a couple are still married and live in the same house but lead separate lives.
  • Extended Family

    A family composed of the nuclear family and other relatives.
  • Family
    A group of two or more persons associated by birth, cohabitation, marriage or adoption.
  • Family Diversity
    The idea that there are many different types of family structure.
  • Female Infanticide
    The intentional killing of baby girls due to the preference for male babies.
  • Generation
    A group of people who live during the same time period.
  • Grounds for Divorce

    The legal reasons given for wanting a divorce.
  • Non-family Household
    People living together in a domestic dwelling who are not related, e.g. students.
  • Integrated Conjugal Roles
    Husband and wife perform similar tasks and have a number of common interests and activities.
  • Kibbutz
    A collective community in Israel in which teenagers live separately from their parents.
  • Marriage
    A legally recognised union of a man and woman by religious or civil ceremony.
  • Matrifocal
    A family organised by and focused on the mother.
  • Monogamy
    The practice of being married to only one person at one time.
  • Neo-Conventional Family

    The new nuclear family headed by a married or cohabiting couple who are both working.
  • Nuclear Family
    A family group consisting of the father, mother and their dependent children.
  • Patriarchal
    A situation where men dominate society and its institutions.
  • Polyandry
    The accepted practice in some societies of a woman having more than one husband.
  • Polygamy
    The accepted practice in some societies of having more than one spouse.
  • Polygyny
    The accepted practice in some societies of a man having more than one wife.
  • Reconstituted Family
    A new family formed when two adults remarry or cohabit and live together with children from a previous relationship.
  • Segregated Conjugal Roles
    Husband and wife perform different tasks and have a number of separate interests and activities.
  • Serial Monogamy
    A pattern of divorce and remarriage.
  • Social Stigma
    Branding something with negative feeling of shame and disgrace.
  • Spouse
    A marriage partner, husband or wife.
  • Status
    The honour and prestige attached to a person's position in society.
  • Stereotypical
    Oversimplified and sometimes exaggerated view.
  • Symmetrical Family
    Family where responsibilities are equally shared between husband and wife.