Unicellular, Eukaryotic, Animal-like, plant-like, fungi-like, Part of plankton, organisms that float near the surface of the water and provide food for larger organisms
Plant-like, Animal-like, Fungal-like
Plant-like Protists
Autotrophic - contain chlorophyll, Do not have stemlike, rootlike or leaflike structures unlike plants, Major producers of food in aquatic environments
Phyla of Algae
Chlorophyta (Green Algae)
Phaeophyta (Brown Algae)
Chrysophyta (Diatoms)
Rhodophyta (Red Algae)
Dinophyta (Dinoflagellates)
Chlorophyta (Green Algae)
Live in the ocean, fresh water, Some are yellowish or brownish, a few are blue-green, Some clump together in differently sized and shaped groups called colonies, Some are in filaments, end to end chain of cells
Unicellular Green Algae
Chlorella, Chlamydomonas
Consist of two identical semicells with a belt-like constriction about its middle
Lives in a colony that is hollow, with watery fluid filling the inner cavity
Attached to rocks by a holdfast, special type of anchoring cell
Ribbonlike, spiral chloroplasts; undergoes conjugation, temporary union to exchange genetic material
Chrysophyta (Diatoms)
Part of the phytoplankton, photosynthetic organisms that are suspended but sink slowly in the water, Cell walls are made of silica (found in sand & glass) that act as "glass houses", Cell wall has two halves (valves)
diatomos: "cut in two", diatomaceousearth - silica remains of diatoms; used in making toothpastes, scouring powder, filters, bricks, dynamite
Phaeophyta (Brown Algae)
Contains chlorophyll but is masked by the golden-brown pigment (fucoxanthin), Seaweeds - large saltwater algae, Rocky coasts in north temperate zone
Largest brown algae, Attached to the ocean floor by holdfasts, Algin - used in foods, fertilizer
Attached to rocks by means of holdfast, Gas-filled air bladders serve as floats, Source of algin
Rhodophyta (Red Algae)
Live in warmer seawater, growing in both shallow and deep waters
Irish moss Chondrus crispus
Source of carrageenin, gelatinous substance used in many products (ex.chocolate, cosmetics)
Paper-thin, glossy sheets make a mineral-rich wrap for rice, seafood, and vegetables in sushi
Dinophyta (Dinoflagellates)
Have two unlike flagella, Red tide - happens when dinoflagellates bloom or grow rapidly that the water turns pink and produces nerve poison, Bioluminescent
Protist - Animal-like
Tiny animal-like creatures composed of a single cell, Require water to live, Heterotrophic/ autotrophic
Phylum Euglenophyta
Euglena - freshwater unicellular protists that contain chlorophyll, Pellicle - thick membrane covering the body of a Euglena and acts as a cell wall, Uses flagella for movement, Euglenoid movement
Contractilevacuole - stores and discharges liquid wastes, Eyespot - directs the euglena toward the light, Binary fission - euglena splits lengthwise
Phylum Sarcodina
Sarcodines - protozoa that have flexible bodies and can change shape at will, Amoeba - most common sarcodine, Pseudopods - "false feet"; fingerlike projections of the cell membrane for locomotion and food ingestion
Amoeba proteus - causes amoebiasis, Entamoeba histolytica - causes amoebic dysentery, Contractile vacuole regulates water content of the cell, Reproduces by fission
Produce shells made of calcium carbonate, Pseudopods project through holes in the shell, Form chalk or limestone, White Cliffs of Dover
Secrete intricate shells made of silica or strontium sulfate
Phylum Ciliophora
Cilia - hairlike projections, Paramecium - unique slipper shape, Macronucleus - controls the basic activities of the organism, Micronucleus - functions in reproduction
Pellicle - reinforced by strong fibers; used for respiration by diffusion of O2, Trichocysts - discharge long, barbed threads that are useful for defense and for capturing prey, Reproduce by fission and conjugation
Phylum Zoomastigophora
Zooflagellates - colorless, no plastids, heterotrophic
Transmitted by the tsetse fly, causes African sleeping sickness
Phylum Sporozoa
Sporozoa - spore-forming protozoa, Nonmotile parasites, Requires vectors to be able to transfer to hosts
Plasmodium vivax
Causes malaria
Anopheles mosquito
Vector of Plasmodium vivax
Protist - Fungal-like
Slime Molds - saprophytes or parasites, Have flagellated cells at some point during their life cycle, Play an important part in the decay of old logs and dead leaves in the forest