Topics for paper 1

Cards (4)

  • socio cultural topics and studies
    Individual + the group - Tajfel (stereotypes + SIT) + Bandura (SLT).

    Cultural influences - enculturation - Odden + Rochat - Samoa. acculturation Berry 2006 - immigrants (integration, assimilation, separation, margenilisation).

    Cultural origins - Brown + Kullik - FBM significant events. Berry 1967 - cultural dimensions (Temne, Inuits and Scots).
  • Digi tech topics and studies
    Positive effect - Bavilier - 50h action vs simulation - what way are the dots moving? action - less errors.

    Glass, Maddow + Love - 40h, Starcraft vs Sims. Measured cog flexibility before and after.

    Negative effect - Sparrow - google effect, SAVE, DELETE, SAVE REMEMBER, DELETE REMEMBER. No difference when told to remember. However is a difference when told it would be deleted they made effort to remember more.

    Chou + Edge - FB social comparison theory - 'friends have a better life than me' 'friends have more fun than me',

    Emotion - Schaffer - 9/11, reception context (TV/person). Immediate vs delayed viewing.

    Titov 2009 - Internet based, clinician assisted, computerised CBT. 20 completed.
  • Cog topics and studies
    MOM -
    Glanzer + Cunitz - position of words on list (immediate/30s recall). recency effect.

    HM, Milner - 5 star triangle - Hippocampus - no LTM but he could remember to draw a star through a mirror.

    Landry + Bartling - articulatory suppression - 10 lists, 7 letters, shown 5s and recall for 5. Control + experiment - repeat 1 and 2 whole time. 45% accurate recall - disrupt phono loop.

    Schema theory
    Loftus + Palmer 1974 - 45, 'how fast were cars going when they .. eachother' (Smashed, Collided, Bumped, Hits, Contacted). 5 groups, 7 clips. Smashed = 40.5mph. Contacted = 31.8mph. 150 - glass.

    Bartlet 1932 - war of ghosts - unfamiliar Native American story. Serial (weeks) and repeat (to another person) reproduction. Canoes = boats, ghosts = ignored. Reconstructive.

    Emotion + Cognition:
    Brown + Kullik 1977 - Significant events cause FBM? 80 (40 white + 40 black) 10 events, 9 assassinations. asked where, time, informant, doing and who with. John F Kennedy - 90%, civil rights deaths - 75% black + 33% white.

    Schaffer 2011 - 9/11 recency index - TV or in person. Immediate and delayed viewing. 28hrs - 6 months later. Delayed viewing - less details. TV not remember, media more reliable and detailed.

    Thinking + Decision Making:
    Alter - cog disfluency - rational/intuitive thinking. Cognitive reflection test - read easy font and difficult to read, italic font. System 2 - understand difficult to read due to full focus.

    Tversky + Kahnman - Asian disease, framing effect. save 200 - 600, leave 400 - 600 (save). System 1 - quick thinking. Cog bias - error when interpreting info.

    Reliability of cog processes:
    Reconstructive - Loftus + Palmer, Bartlet.
    Thinking + Decision making - Loftus + Palmer - framing effects, Tversky + Alter - cog bias.
  • bio topics and studies
    Brain + behaviour
    Maguire (Localisation, techniques, neuroplasticity) - 16 male taxi drivers, spatial memory. Grey matter - posterior hippocampus = spatial memory.

    Siegel (ket) - agonist + excitatory - 23 resistant depressed and 27 controls. MADRS - baseline, 24hrs, 2 weeks, 8 weeks. Hyperconnectivity is normalised = not depressed.

    Arnone (SSRIs) - antagonist + inhibitory - neurogenesis, citalopram vs control. MRI - decrease depression.

    Genes + behaviour

    Brunner 1993 - 5 Dutch aggressive males - MAOA gene - X chromosome - hereditary. MAOA-L - low variant which disenables serotonin from working.

    Wedekind - 'smelly t-shirt study' MHC gene - immune system of potential babies, 49 females + 44 males, 2 nights. Ranked 7 - 3 different, 3 same, 1 control - intensity + pleasantness. Higher for different MHC.

    Genetic similarity:
    Brunner - aggression, MAOA-L.

    Coccaro 1997 - 182 MZ (100%) vs 118 DZ (50%) concordance rate. Aggression rated (verbal, direct, indirect). Physical = MZ 50% and DZ = 19%. Verbal = MZ - 29% and DZ - 7%. Genetic.

    Hormones + Pheromones
    Wedekind - MHC - natural selection.

    Ditzen - Oxytocin - 47 heterosexual couples, contentious issue, videotapes + coded. Oxytocin = improves communication + levels of cortisol.