Glanzer + Cunitz - position of words on list (immediate/30s recall). recency effect.
HM, Milner - 5 star triangle - Hippocampus - no LTM but he could remember to draw a star through a mirror.
Landry + Bartling - articulatory suppression - 10 lists, 7 letters, shown 5s and recall for 5. Control + experiment - repeat 1 and 2 whole time. 45% accurate recall - disrupt phono loop.
Loftus + Palmer 1974 - 45, 'how fast were cars going when they .. eachother' (Smashed, Collided, Bumped, Hits, Contacted). 5 groups, 7 clips. Smashed = 40.5mph. Contacted = 31.8mph. 150 - glass.
Bartlet 1932 - war of ghosts - unfamiliar Native American story. Serial (weeks) and repeat (to another person) reproduction. Canoes = boats, ghosts = ignored. Reconstructive.
Brown + Kullik 1977 - Significant events cause FBM? 80 (40 white + 40 black) 10 events, 9 assassinations. asked where, time, informant, doing and who with. John F Kennedy - 90%, civil rights deaths - 75% black + 33% white.
Schaffer 2011 - 9/11 recency index - TV or in person. Immediate and delayed viewing. 28hrs - 6 months later. Delayed viewing - less details. TV not remember, media more reliable and detailed.
Thinking + Decision Making:
Alter - cog disfluency - rational/intuitive thinking. Cognitive reflection test - read easy font and difficult to read, italic font. System 2 - understand difficult to read due to full focus.
Tversky + Kahnman - Asian disease, framing effect. save 200 - 600, leave 400 - 600 (save). System 1 - quick thinking. Cog bias - error when interpreting info.
Reliability of cog processes:
Reconstructive - Loftus + Palmer, Bartlet.
Thinking + Decision making - Loftus + Palmer - framing effects, Tversky + Alter - cog bias.