
Cards (21)

  • quality control
    process of inspecting products to ensure that they meet required quality standards
  • advantages of quality control
    quality can be monitored
    stops faulty product meeting customer
    common problems can be identified
    inspector takes responsability
    often a robust system
  • disadvantages of quality control 

    takes responsability away from workers
    inconsistent inspection
    problems only identifies at the end
    waste levels may be high
  • quality assurance
    process that ensures production quality meets the requirments of customers
  • owerview of quality assurance
    focus on how a business designs the way a product is produced to minimise output being substandard
    involves checking at each stage of the production process
    focus on the product design and development stage
  • advantages of quality assurance 

    emphasises the customer
    targets whole organisation
    spots any faults early
    saves resourcers being wasted
    motivates workers
    objective of 0 waste
    less chance of faulty good reaching customer
  • disadvantages of quality assurance 

    requires staff training and high levels of commmitment
    can slow down production process- higher unit costs
    may demotivate workers if they feel under pressure
    opportunity cost of managers time when they initially set up
  • quality circles 

    involves an approach to quality managment whereby groups of employees meet regularly to identify potential improvments and resolves quality issues
  • total quality managment (TQM)

    a managmant philosophy commited to focus on continous improvments of product and services with the involvment of the entire workforce
    sees quality as the responsability of all employees
  • advantages of TQM
    puts customers at heart of production process
    motivational since workers feel more involved
    less waasteful
    eliminates cost of inspection
  • disadvantages of TQM
    requiures strong leadership
    big investment into training and support
    can take years to implement fully
    may become bureaucratic
    distribution costs may outweigh benefits
  • kaizen
    type of quality assurance
    based on concept/ culture of continous improvments
    encourages employees to fully engage with finding ways to improve quality process
  • what competitive advantage can you get from quality managment?

    can help achieve lower unit costs
    positive image to the customer
    pricing decisions
    motivated workforce
  • quality
    the ability of a product or service to meet customer expectations
  • measures of quality 

    brand / reputation
    customer service / support
  • why is quality important?
    high quality may mean able to create advantage over competitors
  • advantages of quality
    strong brand image
    fewer returns
    customer satisfaction
    increased market share
    customer loyalty
    increased sales
    charge a premium price
    good reputation
  • examples of poor quality 

    product fails
    product does not perform as expected
    product delivered to late
    poor instructions
    bad customer service
  • bad quality leads to 

    lost customer loyalty
    damaged business reputation
    need for greater controls and checks
    competitors take advantage
  • measures of quality 

    customer service rating
    product returns
    warranty chains
    rejected output form production
    levels of repeat business
    market surveys
    profit margins
  • ways to improve quality 

    training employees
    use technology
    research customer needs
    improve materials
    work with suppliers
    motivaing employees