Vietnam War

Cards (15)

  • What tactics did the Viet Cong use?
    Guerrilla warfare
  • How many deaths were there in the war?
    2.2 million
  • Who owned Vietnam after WWII?
  • What was the duration of the war?
  • Who were the presidents during the war?
    Kennedy, Franklin D. Roosevelt and Harry S. Truman
  • How many total soldiers were sent to Vietnam?
    2.7 million
  • What percent of the US generation was sent to Vietnam?
  • Why did the USA go to war with Vietnam?
    Containing Communism
  • What was it called when the NVA and the Viet Cong attacked South Vietnamese towns and villages, killing roughly 13000 people?
    Tet Offensive
  • The US attacked the town of My Lai, killing thousands of innocents, including South Vietnamese people in which attack?
    My Lai Massacre
  • Which event is considered to have escalated U.S. involvement in Vietnam?
    Gulf of Tonkin incident
  • What happened in the Golf of Tonkin incident?

    Two USA destroyer ships got shot at, which caused the navy generals to alert that there is a confrontation
  • Why was the Tet offensive so significant for the US?
    It was a major turning point for public opinion on the US
  • Why did the USA effectively lose the war?
    Guerrilla warfare, impossible to differentiate North and South Vietnamese, protests, lack of preparation, very weak military
  • What was 'Operation Rolling Thunder?'
    Aerial bombardment on North Vietnam