Cuban Missile Crisis

Cards (9)

  • USA launches U2 spy plane over Cuba, discovering nuclear missiles planted in a military base?
    14th October 1962
  • President Kennedy was informed of missiles on Cuba. Kennedy called a meeting of his advisers – the Executive Committee of the National Security Council (ExComm). ExComm was tasked with deciding what action to take. The options included:
    • invasion of Cuba
    • blockade of Cuba to stop more deliveries from the USSR
    • airstrikes against the missile bases
    • no action?
    16th October 1962
  • Kennedy decided to blockade Cuba and American forces were put on high alert. Kennedy addressed the American public and the world on television. He announced that there were Soviet missiles on Cuba and that the USA was blockading the island.?
    22nd October 1962
  • Khrushchev sent Kennedy his first letter, promising to remove missiles from Cuba if the blockade was lifted.?
    26th October 1962
  • Before a response could be made, Khrushchev sent a second letter. He made the additional demand that American missiles in Turkey were also removed.?
    27th October 1962
  • Kennedy accepted the first letter. Attorney General, Robert Kennedy discussed how to settle the crisis with Soviet Ambassador Anatoly Dobrynin. He promised that the USA would remove missiles from Turkey. However, this was banned from being announced to the public at this time.?
    28th October 1962
  • Khrushchev deploys submarines?
    29th October 1962
  • U2 spy plane shot down, killing pilot instantly?
    27th October 1962
  • when was the quarantine?
    22nd October 1962